Chapter Twentyeight

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It has been a week now since I've taken the pregnancy test. Everything was back to normal except for the morning sickness. Freya has been around more often and Josh asked her to move in with him and of course she said yes. Nikki has been unusually quiet the last couple of days and I'm starting to get worried.

"Have you noticed that Nikki has been acting different lately?" I asked Josh as I sat down on his bed. He was sat next to me and we faced each other.

"Thank god! I thought that I was the only one who noticed!" He said sounding relieved.

"Should we try talking to her about it?" I asked unsure of what to do. We sat in silence for a minute before he spoke up.

"I think we should wait a couple more days before we ask. Maybe she has just been in a down mood and it will go away," Josh said as if he were trying to convince himself that he was right.

"Okay, but if it gets worse..." I warned.

"She'll be fine. She's courageous and strong. Like you," he said playfully pushing on my shoulder. I laughed.

"Thanks, Josh," I said and smiled up at him.

"No problem," he said and gave me a side hug.

"Well I guess o should probably go and eat something," I said standing up from Josh's bed.

"Yeah, I had better see you eating a lot more now that you are eating for two!" He said while scolding me playfully.

"Okay, Daddy Zerk," I said before walking out. I heard him giggle a bit before I made my way to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen to see Vikk sitting on the counter with a full bowl of cereal on the counter next to him.

"Are you okay, Vikk?" I asked. He looked up from his lap.

"Yeah I was just thinking and wondering," he said picking up his food and eating a spoon full.

"What about?" I asked grabbing some bread and putting it in the toaster.

"What does it feel like knowing that you are going to be a parent?" He asked. This took me a bit by surprise.

"Uh.. It honestly doesn't feel any different at the moment. It just hasn't really sunk in yet I guess," I said and sat on the counter as well. "Why are you asking?"

He sighed. "It's stupid," he said putting his bowl back down.

"I highly doubt that, just tell me," I said.

"It's just that, when your gay and with a guy, you can't have a child that is actually both of you. It's either one or the other and than most likely a complete stranger," he said and started to get teary eyed. I leaned over and pulled him into a hug. I didn't know what to say so I just sat there with him while he silently cried.

Soon enough JJ walked in to see Vikk crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked as he moved in between his legs. I scooted away and started to walk out when I saw JJ give me a confused look.
I mouthed that he should let Vikk tell him about it. He nodded and I continued out of the kitchen and to my room to record. 

After I finished my video, I realized that I had to edit a lot of videos that I had prerecorded. I won't be getting much sleep tonight.

"Hey, all of the Sidemen plus the two Cals are going out to a party at Harry's flat in an hour, you coming?" Josh asked from the doorway.

"No, I can't. I have to edit a lot and I probably won't even get it done if I stay up all night. Is Freya going?" I asked.

"Nope so it'll only be you three girls in the house until about 1 or 2," he said as he leaned against the door frame.

"Well, I best be getting back to editing," I said and turned my attention back to my computer. I'm guessing that he left because I didn't hear anything after that.

About 45 minutes later I felt some arms wrap around my neck. I looked up to see Simon.

"I'll be back at around 1 or 2. I love you and stay safe," he said before leaning down to kiss me.

"It's not me you should be worried about, it's you that I'm worried about," I said turning around to fully face him.

"Don't worry, I've been to many parties before," he said and kissed my cold nose. "Now, when I get back, I expect you to be in bed. I don't want you over working and sleep depriving yourself and the baby," he said. I stood up to hug him and he put his hands onto my stomach, even though it's still flat.

"Don't worry. I'll get some sleep," I said and he bent down and whispered bye to the baby and then kissed me one last time.

"Now go and have some fun," I said and he nodded before leaving the room and going down stairs. I heard the front door close so I guess that they left.

I went back to my editing and it surprisingly didn't take as long to finish as I had expected. I looked to the clock when I had finished and it was 11:38pm. I sat around for a while before deciding that I was officially bored. I looked around the room for something to do. I saw nothing and then looked down at my stomach.

An idea came to mind and I grabbed a note pad and pen. I wrote two columns and labeled them 'boy' and 'girl'. I then proceeded to write names under each side.

After a while I decided to put it down and go to sleep like Simon told me to. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

Okay so there you guys have another chapter. I will be updating not tomorrow but the day after so I'll see you then. Bye for now!

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