Chapter Thirteen

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I had recorded with the guys and I am now uploading a video of me on the piano.

I guess it's about time that I record the 'Radioactive' video that I was talking about. I stood up and walked down to the living room where the four boys were sitting and talking.

"Hey guys, I think that I'm going to record the 'Radioactive' video this afternoon if you guys were serious about watching," I said.

"Yeah we were!" Josh said sounding rather excited.

"I want to watch!" Vikk said like a little kid. I laughed.

"You can all watch if you want," I said and they all smiled.

"Well I'm going to go and set up all of my equipment and I'll be ready in about an hour," I said and turned to walk up the stairs. I heard a chorus of 'okay's.

When I reached my room I went over and put a stool in front of one of the blank walls in my room. I got out my tripod and camera out and started to set it up. I looked over to my bed and Simon was sitting on my bed watching me. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Couldn't wait to see me, huh?" I said jokingly and he just laughed.

"Ignore me and do what you were doing," he said and pulled out his phone. I continued to set up the tripod and then moved on to my microphone and tripod. After that was all set up, I got out my amplifier and plugged it into an outlet. I then went and got out my black electric violin and bow and plugged the violin into the amp.

I put a shoulder rest on the violin and then got out my bow and started to tune the violin. Simon looked up at me and just watched as I tried to get the pitched on the strings just right. Once it was in tune, I messed with the settings on the amp to make the sound that I want.

I walked to the stool and started a run through of the song. By now it's been an hour and the other guys came in and all sat on my bed as well.

I was starting to feel a bit nervous with all of their eyes on me. I stopped and took a deep breath and walked over to my desk where all of my medicine was at. I started scanning through the labels looking for the right one. I found the right bottle with the pills that are supposed to calm my nerves and took one. Before I left the desk I looked at my messages on my phone and there was a text from a number that I didn't recognize. I guess I'll look at it when I'm done recording.

I over heard the guys laughing and talking and I suddenly remembered that they were here. I made sure that the correct software that I needed was up on my computer. I then walked over to the stool and made sure that my violin was still in tune.

"Okay, you guys ready," I said with a sigh. They all turned to face me and nodded, none of them talking anymore.

I pushed record on the camera and stared to play the song. After all of the violin parts were recorded it was time for the vocals.

I got up and handed my violin to Simon. "Will you hold this for a second?" I asked and he nodded and held onto it. I went to make sure that the violin recordings were in the correct formatting in the software. I heard a string being plucked on the violin and turned around.

"He did it!" Simon said pointing at a laughing JJ. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the computer. Then I went and moved my microphone and went to take my violin back and put it on my desk after I unplugged it and took off the shoulder rest.

I went back over to the stool and pressed record on the camera and recorded all of the vocal parts and then checked to make sure that they were all on the correct software also. I saved it all and then went to my violin and began to clean it with a rag and polish, then I put it back in its case.

"Don't you also normally make a music video to go with the one of you playing the music?" JJ asked.

"Yup, but I won't do that until later because I have to come up with ideas and make money to buy props and hire other people to be in it and find a location. It's so much to do so it takes a couple of weeks," I said.

"Where are you thinking about shooting it at?" Vikk asked. I shrugged.

"Haven't thought of it yet, plus I haven't been here in years and don't know what's around," I said.

"Well if you ever need any help at all, you can come to us," Josh said.

"Thank you guys so much, for everything. I honestly don't know where I would be without you guys," I said. Vikk and JJ looked at each other before yelling out in unison, "GROUP HUG!" And they all stood up and crowded around me in a hug. When we pulled back I smiled at all of them.

"Do you guys want to hear the finished product?" I asked and they all nodded. I walked over to the computer and clicked a play button and we listened to the song.

"That is so cool!" Vikk said in awe.

"Thanks," I said and looked at my phone for the time. That's when I realized that the text from the number that I didn't recognize was still there. I went to it and read it. Oh my god, it's....


Ohhh, you guys probably hate me right now because of the cliff hanger. I will try to upload the next chapter tomorrow around the same time. If you guys are enjoying, let me know by commenting and let me know any suggestions that you might have. Oh yeah and thanks for so many views, it really is amazing. See you tomorrow, bye!

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