chapter 1

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Hello everyone, welcome to Time Machine where anything is possible you might notice that i have a lot of mistakes it's because i update from my iphone and we all know with auto correct and all anyways i just wanted to tell you please give my story a chance and vote, comment and share with your friends i want this story to make it the Watty's 2014 (inshallah) please help me get as many vote's and comments as possible i love you and if you need to ask either comment or inbox me PEACE


I walked home from work. Today was a very hard day, I can't wait to reach my fiancé, make something for dinner, and go to sleep.


I closed the door and put my bag,keys, and phone on the table beside the door.


I walked to our bedroom and I heard a noise. I opened the door and I couldn't believe my eyes, my fiancé was cheating on me with my best friend.


"I can explain," Conner said.

"Explain what, Conner, why are you cheating on me with my best friend one week before our wedding! Huh, explain what! And you, Elizabeth, I thought you were my best friend! Huh, I guess not. I hate you I wish I never had met you! Actually, I wish I never met either of you!" By now I had tears in my eyes.


"No please don't say that," She said as she covered herself with the blanket and walked towards me.


    "I can't believe you Elizabeth! You sleep with my ex fiancé, on our bed, and you think I shouldn't say that I hate you?" I slapped her and ran out of the bedroom.  I took my bag and slammed the door hard.


I went to a park and sat on the swing. I cried my eyes out, then I felt something wet land on my shoulder. When I looked up it started to rain, just great.


I couldn't believe my fiancé would do something like that. Actually, I could expect something like that from him, but my best friend! I have known her since I was a baby. Her mum and my mum were best friends and her mum was like a mum to me after my mother died of cancer.


I have known Conner for five years! He was my mum’s doctor before she died, he helped me through her death and we were friends for two years until he asked me out. Five months ago he asked to be my fiancé and our wedding was in less than a week.


I kept repeating I wish I could go back in time over and over again when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I wiped my tears and looked back. There was an old woman with a fade of a smile on her face. "Be careful of what you wish for, dear." She then disappeared out of thin air. Okay, that was weird.

I held my bag and walked to my old house. I knocked the door and my dad opened. As soon as he saw me he hugged me and I cried in his arms. After about ten minutes I pulled back and he knew I didn't want to talk about it. I walked to my room and jumped on my bed and softly cried myself asleep.

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