Chapter 28

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1205 words i had to thank u some how and i have been working on this for sometime and i made it extra long to thank you for getting my story to 2083 readers how awesome but that's not it it's also #775 in the Historical Fiction means a lot to me thank you enjoy this update and tuesday is the last day of exams yay freedom


Opening my eyes I found myself wrapped in Bennett’s arm his back to the barn door and me just laid there in his arms.
I felt tears coming back to me I felt strong arms wrapped tighter around me.

“It’s ok everything is going to be ok” he whispered repeatedly.

I heard him sing a song to me softly.

“When the rain is blowing in your face,
And the whole world is on your case,
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love.

When the evening shadows and the stars appear,
And there is no one there to dry your tears,
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love.”

I slowly feel back asleep listening to his amazing voice, I felt him kiss my temple and then being lifted up.

The next time I woke up I was in my room I slowly stood up and walked out of my room, to the bathroom I had a bath cleaned myself up well then changed into a dress.
I went downstairs and found there were suitcases beside the door, I walked to the kitchen to saw Ruby sitting on a chair and Noah had his hand on her shoulder they were talking to Mary.

“We will be on our way as soon as Abigail wakes up I got to say goodbye and to thank her before we leave” Noah said

“Leave where?” I said suddenly which made everyone turn around

“We can’t stay here anymore Abigail me and Noah decided that we would move to another state and maybe try new things maybe even try on having a new child” Ruby said while standing up and walking to hug me.

“But you can’t leave me you can’t leave the farm you belong here please don’t leave us”

“I’m sorry Abigail but we can’t stay here not anymore this place has a lot of memories for us I hope you understand thanks for giving us a room and giving me a job for the short while but I have to respect my wife’s wishes”

I went and hugged them both pretty tightly.

“Please reconsider staying I would every much love to have you here”


 She held Noah’s hand and walked towards their suitcases they picked it up and walked out of the door everyone went back to their chores, I watched as Noah drove the buggy away from the farm.
I ran to the stable and saw Bennett’s back to me I ran to him and I jumped in his arms when he turned to me.

“They left they left saying they couldn’t handle staying here anymore this is all my fault I wish I have some sort of Time Machine so I could change what happened”

“But you don’t and that’s ok they will probably come back at some point don’t you worry ok how about we go get Star and ride around the farm what do you say and later we could go on our date”

“That sounds great”

I went back to my room and changed quickly into some jeans and boots with a shirt.
I ran back to the stable and helped Bennett settle the horse

“I got Star ready”

 He climbed up the horse and then helped me climb it, we started to ride slow but then Bennett asked me to hold tight and he went faster and faster.
He suddenly stopped and I asked what’s wrong.

“There is something wrong something’s different”

He stepped down from the horse and when I tried to step down he said to stay up and I said ok confused.
He looked around and then I saw something in distance.

“Look Bennett over there something moved”

He quickly got up on the horse and then rode quickly back to the farm he told me to get in and to tell all the girls not to go out and to lock the all the doors and windows he hugged me and kissed my temple.
I ran back and told everyone and asked everyone to go back inside the house and up to my workshop it has the safest door in whole house.

We all got together Mary had some food taken into the room that was enough for a whole day, I watched though the window for any sigh of the men or Bennett.

“He will show up sweetie I’m sure it’s nothing that serious” Mary said and hugged my side

It must have been few hours before someone showed up I saw it was Adam.

“Bennett and a few other men are hurt were trying our best to get them here as fast as the men can go I’m here to tell you go get everything ready to fix them”

We all nodded Mary and Gail went to heat the water and the rest went to make either soup or get the rooms ready I asked to get Bennett in my room and no one said anything.
Half an hour later everyone got in Bennett was of course unconscious Mary had told me that she would take care of everyone and that Dr. Sands is almost here.

Gail gave me the hot water and some towels so I could clean him up and see if he got any wounds and Noah handed me some clean cloths so Bennett can change when he wakes up.
When I was done cleaning him up and finished sewing his wound he would be having a scar.

*Hours later*

It’s been a few hours Noah just left he changed Bennett into the cloths he brought for him earlier.
Bennett didn’t wake up and known of the men want to tell me anything they told me to wait for Bennett and he hasn’t moved a muscle.

I was sitting by the bed in the really uncomfortable chair I have no idea how Bennett slept on it, I have been drawing some new designs.
I felt Bennett stir I quickly was by his side.

“Bennett can you hear me?” I whispered                                                                                  

He slowly but surely opened his eyes, he looked around a little and then he looked at me he smiled his really handsome smile.

“Where am i?”

“You’re in my room, I’m not sure what happened to you all the men said you asked them not to say anything; what happened are you ok? You got me so worried”

“We were attacked by wolves when I saw their eyes in the bushes from afar when I was riding with you I knew it was them so I had to get u back to safety before going after them”

“That’s so sweet of you thank you”

I kissed his cheek ever so lightly and then he told me to lay beside him and so I did and like that night out on the stars I had my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

“Did you catch him?” I could help but ask

“Yes we caught them hopefully the men had everything under control”

We sat there for God knows how long and I slowly fell asleep in Bennett’s arms feeling as safe as it could get.

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