Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Souad Bensaoud

I walked to the door steps and asked the lady her name. She simply answered "Mary"

I smiled and we walked to the kitchen, one of the girls walked over to me and handed me an apron. I wore it and we started to talk about what would we make for lunch and dinner. After discussing it we decided to make something light for lunch then for dinner something big.

We divided the work between us and started cooking. About an hour and half later we got everything set up the plates, forks, spoons,knifes and a cloths.

We made soupas a starter and a main course. For dessert we thought it would be better left for dinner.

I stepped out and Mary rang the bell the was hung on the porch. A few minutes later all the men gathered including Bennett. Mary told everyone that from now on they would all be eating their meals together. They seemed to like the idea which made me happy.

The men said they would wash up quickly and come back. We set the food on the table where we portioned everything so that everyone could get a taste from all the different foods.

Everyone sat at the sides of the table. I was at the head of the table and Bennett sat on my left while Mary sat on my right. We started to dig in and to be honest it was pretty amazing.

After lunch the men thanked the ladies and I for the meal and left to get back to their duties. I helped clear the table however when i tried to help with the dishes the ladies told me to leave stating that the kitchen is no place for me.

There wasn't much to do so I went to my floor and went to the office looking for a notebook or a journal. When I found one I sat on the desk and started writing; After I was done I looked out the window and noticed the sun was starting to set. I closed the journal and went downstairs to the backyard to watch the sun set. I sat on the grass and admired the sunset

"A penny for your thoughts?" I looked up and saw Bennett.

"Hello and actually I wasn't thinking. For the first time in my life my mind was empty of all thoughts" he smiled and sat beside me.

We sat in peace and watched the sunset. It was so beautiful. After the sun had finally set I heard Mary call my name. I smiled at Bennett then stood up.

"I need to go see you at dinner Bennett goodbye" I said and left.

When I reached the kitchen everyone was busy cooking.

"We left the cake for you, I hope you don't mind?"

"No no I love to bake thanks," I replied.

We started cooking and 2 hours later we put everything on the table, except the cake of course. I walked outside and rang the bell 3 times. Someone came rushing,

"What can i do for you miss?" He asked

"Please tell the men that it's dinner time." He smiled and nodded before running back.

Everyone sat down at the dinner table and started to eat the food. We cleared the table after we finished, some of the men were kind enough to helped us. We placed the new clean plates with forks on the table. I cut the cake and gave each person a piece.

Mary kicked me outof the kitchen when i tried to help again, saying that I worked hard enough for the day. I left and went to my room to get cleaned up.

I went outside and walked around the house that was my home now. I sat on the grass and watched the moon and the clear skies that had twinkling stars.

"What are you thinking about?" It was Bennet who asked.

I laughed and looked back "I'm not really thinking. What are you still doing here awake?"

He sat beside me, "I have a filly* that's about to be born so it's gonna be in a few hours."

"Oh that must be nice huh"I said,

"Yes it is. Thanks for the food, it was really good"

"No problem at all and I only made the cake everyone else did the rest."

He smiled and stood up. He gave me his hand to help me up,

"Are we going somewhere?" I asked,

"We're gonna go check on the filly*" He replied.

"But I'm afraid of horses."

"That's why we're going together, so that I can help you with your fears."

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