Chapter 21

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(Few hours later)

“Abigail wake up!”

I opened my eyes to see Gail with a worried look on her face.

“What’s going on with you ever since the party you haven’t left this room is everything ok?”

“I’m Fine Gail please just leave I want to be alone”

She Looked torn if she should leave or not I stood up and sat on the couch it was dark outside I laid back on the couch and closed my eyes.

I heard the door close and I left the darkness sweep me.

(The Next Day)

“I don’t know what’s gotten into her she’s been different ever since the party Adam told me that also Bennett went back to his old times where he wouldn’t talk to anyone”

“I think something happened between them I mean before it looked like they liked each other now I don’t know”

“of course something happened between them”

I heard voice from the outside talking I opened my eyes to see it was probably midday.

“you know I can hear you all talking” I shouted

It suddenly got quiet then the door opened.

“Were just really worried about you sweetie” Mary replied

I looked back and found it was her and Gail they both looked worried.

“I’m fine I just need to be alone”

“sweetie you haven’t eaten in two day’s and I’m sorry to break it up to you but you need to have bath and join us for lunch ok and no but’s or no’s now up up”

She started pulling the sheets off of me and Gail helped me up she pulled me towards the bathroom than closed the door, I slowly took off my cloths and went into the hot bath I cleaned myself up than wrapped a towel around myself I walked into my workshop and looked for something to wear I found this nice knee length skirt that was black and I found a blouse that was lilac I add flat black shoes I decided to leave my hair to air dry I opened the curtains to let the sun in I decided I’m going to stop mopping around.

I cleaned around the room I fixed all the fabric rolls in one side of the room I also decided I’m going to ask one of the men to build me one closet so I can hang the cloths I make.

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