Chapter 27

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“It’s Alexander please you need to help I don’t know how he feel but something is wrong please help him” Ruby said.

She kept pulling me towards the barn area but from the back what I saw next got my heart to stop beating Alex was laying on the floor his body in a weird angle and he was screaming in pain.

I ran to him he looked at me and suddenly his screaming for pain stopped he was breathing hard I felt around his ribs and they seemed most of them are broken which means his lungs are probably opened on the inside, his foot was broken and so was his arm.

“I’m so sorry Abby all I wanted to do was bring the horse to your room so you can cheer up a bit”

He was taking really deep breaths

“Please take care of my parents for me and tell them that I always wanted a little brother or sister”

He took his last breaths before slowly turning to his crying parents who came immediately came beside them he whispered with his last breaths an I love you.

Before he finally closed his eyes.

“Do something save my son!”

I woke up from my haze and started doing CPR but he wouldn’t breath I was doing it for almost 10 minutes before someone tried to pull.

“let go off me I have to save Alex”

I went back to trying to revive Alex but he wouldn’t open his eyes, finally I just let whoever was trying to pull me.

“His gone there is nothing anyone could do just let go Abigail” I heard Bennett whispered 

I cried to Bennett’s shoulder while he was whispering sweet nothings.

“Few day’s later” In Ruby and Noah’s room:-

“How parent’s go on when they lose a child, how do they wake up in the morning, how do they breathe honey, but you do with them but just for a second you forget and then all you remember and it’s like getting that call again and again every time you don’t get to stop waking up and you have to keep on being a parent even though you don’t have a child anymore”

I heard Ruby’s voice from the inside her room I knocked and when the door opened I saw Ruby on the floor packing Alex’s stuff in a bag she was crying while hugging his favorite shirt.

I waked to her and hugged her and she cried on my shoulder we stayed and I helped her putting the cloths in boxes after few hours she asked me to leave she said she wanted to be alone I nodded and did as she wished.

I waked to the barn and into Star and Diamond’s Stable I sat on the floor and Star came and laid her head on my lap I softly patted her head I have been having flashbacks of Alex he keeps hunting my dreams and sometimes even when I’m wake I haven’t talked to pretty much anyone even Bennett though he tried hard to get me to talk to him.


I looked up to see Bennett standing there with a plate of food.

“Mary made you this I was about to come to see you but she told me you weren’t in your room so I guessed you would be here”

He handed it to me and it was different vege’s I gave some of the carrots to Star and her mum, Bennett sat beside me.

“I sat right with you in the funeral I couldn’t help but notice something”


“That you haven’t cried”

“Are you saying that I don’t feeling anything”

“no that’s not what I’m saying”

“of course I feel something Bennett I feel more then I know how to express I’m heartbroken to be honest I don’t know how to sail forward  from here but for the mean time I have to make sure that everyone around me especially  Ruby is taken care off”

“Listen to me listen to me I love you ok and whenever you feel and you want to show it that’s ok I just I think there is going to  come a time where you going to have to let it all out and I plan to be here for you, his dead and all we got left is his voice in our head I’m sorry but it’s time to stop mopping around and try to be a better person for him at least”

“no one understands”

“Understands what?”

“That if I start crying I don’t think I’ll ever stop”

I felt tears on my checks and Bennett pulled me to his side and let me cry on him.

I cried for GOD knows how long all Bennett did was pull me towards him and just let me cry.

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