Chapter 18

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I helped Mary make Lunch today we were having a Barbeque Noah can finally walk on his own and his health is getting better some of the men are cleaning the back where we will be having the barbeque the rest are either cleaning the ranch or just doing there chores.

“So what should we make for the Barbeque?” Mary asked

“well we can make a lot of side dishes since there a lot of people and I was think of sending one of the men to invite doctor Sands, his wife, kids and also we can invite that sweet lady from the shop that gave me all the fabrics oh and she can even bring more fabric any way and also the family from the grocery shop and their three sons can play with Alexander what do you think Mary” I said

“That sounds great Abigail we can have a large Barbeque party I will go talk to one of the men who will invite them when should we tell them to come?” Mary answered

“Well how about six it will be still light out and perfect” I said

“Great im off to tell the rest to know when to clean up and all oh and discuss what will we make for the big lunch” Mary said

“ok so Gail how about we make some mashed potatoes and we can make a lot of salads and well make some macaroni and everyone else can add there idea’s” I said

“That sounds great so far” Gail said

We all started making about half an hour later Ruby came and started helping us and so far there was a lot of food one of the men asked about the time they should start heating the coal and we told them about six o’clock and we also told them when they should get ready half way through the day about 3 o’clock I left outside to check on the back the men outdone themselves there were little twinkling lights on the trees and bushes and the floor was clean from the leaves there were some tables being set, the barbeque also being set, the other men are either cleaning the ranch, taking the horses out to the fence, the rest were getting the chairs.

“well done boys everything looks great the guests should be here in few hours and the food hopefully would be ready by than I leave you to your work” I said out loud so they could hear me”

I went back to the kitchen to finish cooking about an hour before six we were all done and we put everything in the heater so nothing gets cold and we all decided to get ready.

“Gail can you join me in my room”

“sure thing Abby”

Me and Gail have a good relationship since we are close in age I’m only a year older we went up in to my room and I went to my closet and brought out a dress I have been working on and handed it to her.

“oh this dress is so pretty are you going to wear it tonight?” Gail said

“actually I made this for you but you need to try it now so I can see if there is anything I need to change” I said

“I can’t take this Abigail this is too much” she said

“it’s not to much and you will take it now go and change into it we only have an hour to bath and change and do our hair plus it’s going to help you get Adam’s attention”

“UH you know about that?” she started to look down and I knew she was blushing.

“yes we all do we just didn’t want to tell you now go try it on well I have a quick bath”

She nodded and went to go try her dress I took my towel and went to have a quick ‘shower’, after I was done I wore short jeans and a tee that I made myself I walked into my workshop with the towel on my head and Gail stood there looking beautiful.

“you look beautiful”

She blushed but thanked me anyway I started measuring and making sure it would fit perfectly she went to take it off and give it back to me few minutes later and I started to work on it when I was done we both walked to my room, she went to make a quick bath so her hair would go down, as for me I started to brush my hair I tied it up than shaped it as a bow and it looked great Gail walked in with the dress on it was baby blue and it was knee length, it had lacey arm length fabric it just looked amazing she sat in front of the mirror, I started working on her hair I pulled her hair into an elegant bun with few strand of hair coming out the front so it would shape her face we did each other makeup, she left so I could wear my dress this one was a little shorter than knee length, light pink and simple with a big bow in the back I wore matching flats.

We both walked downstairs and everyone was outside besides Mary she was taking the food outside we both helped her of course but as soon as me and Gail stepped outside everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us.


Hey everyone how's everybody doing, so i know this is a short update but i didn't want to keep you waiting cause it's been over two weeks and that's because i had school work and also i was updating Love Me Luna and ya my life is pretty busy don't forget to FanFollow me and message me if u have any questions and of course vote, comment, share with your friends i love you stay strong and your beautiful/handsome no matter what people say

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