Chapter 15

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HEYA everyone please read the end note thanks enjoy will be edited soon

"Honey, what do you think we should do today?" my mum asked ,"We can go shopping.Daddy has a shift today, so what do you think?We can grab something to eat as well,I'm pretty hungry."

"Sure Sweetie, lets go." We drove to the mall then we stopped to shop. We ate and somehow we ended up in the paintball area of the mall and aswe were shooting at each other when my mum suddenly dropped on the floor. I rushed to her screaming "Someone call 911,please" but everyone was to busy having fun "Mummy! Wake up! Please, wake up!"

I pulled my phone out and called 911 "Hello 911 .What's your emergency?"

"My mum she suddenly fell on the floor, we're in the mall in the paintball area.

" I kept giving them information as I pulled mum's gun and aimed it at one person.After I shot it athim,he headed our way.

"What happened here?" he asked

"I don't know she just collapsed to the floor, please help her." He removed his mask and slowly took off my mum's mask then he picked her up and started walking towards the exit .You can hear the ambulance sirens from afar as he started checking her pulse. Soon the ambulance car came and took me and my mum to the hospital .

When we reached the hospital, they took her to the ER and I was asked to sit outside.

I called my dad "Daddy, you need to come to the hospital there's something wrong with mum! Please we're in the ............... hospital".

"I'm on my way sweetie, just take deep breathes".

I suddenly woke up from my dream and it was the day the doctors told us about my mum's Cancer.

I walked to the bathroom and washed my face and teeth. I did my business and had a quick shower after I was done I walked into my closet and wore black tights and over them was jean shorts. I wore an oversized shirt with black leather jacket and my combat boots.

I walked downstairs "Good Morning Daddy, want me to make you breakfast?"

"Morning honey and don't you look beautiful as always and no we're going out to the dinner to eat since it's your last day here before you leave .,so since your already let's go"

"What about work?"

"Took a day off"

"Great ,lets go. I'm pretty hungry" .He wore his jacket and we walked to the diner.It wasn't far and the day was bright and sunny.

My dad opened the door for me and I was greeted by Lee .He was the owner of the dinner. Lee, his wife and kids ran the place and I have come here ever since I was a baby. It was our favorite place and routinely came every Saturday.

"Morning Lucy!It has been a long time.How are you?" ,he hugged me then shaked hands with my dad.

"I'm doing fine, thanks Mr. L."

"I'm happy to hear that. And you Jonathan, how are you doing with work and everything?" they started talking then Mr. L walked him to a booth .I was looking for Mrs. D when I stumbled into their twin sons "Hey Caleb and Nathan. How are you boys doing?" "Wow, Abby is that you?" Caleb asked. "Of course it's me silly ,who else?" Nathan was the first to react he picked me up and hugged me tight .

"Can't breathe!" he pulled away instantly.

"Sorry it's just been few months since the last time I saw you." Caleb then hugged me.

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