Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Roxas Wally

It took me about 10 minutes before I could walk inside the barn. Once I did we walked to the very back and I saw a beautiful white horse. She had a big belly so I guessed that it was a she. She was so beautiful and pure white that I decided to call her Diamond.
"She will be in labour soon," Bennett said when I came to touch her.
She was so calm. "She's so beautiful"
"Yes she is" he replayed.
He walked to the back of the room and then came back with a brush. He handed it to me,
"It helps her calm down."
I took the brush and started to brush her mane. I felt a hand on mine, Bennet started to brush downwards and at a slower pace.
"Just like that." He took his hand off mine and I did what he said.
Her water broke about 45 minutes later. (If that even happens in real life but if doesn't then oh well)
"She's almost there." Bennet told me.
Diamond started to bend down and then, sat on the floor..........(I'm not gonna explain a horse giving birth)........ the baby was beautiful, like its mum. It was white with dark spots, like shooting stars, all over her body. Bennet and I left the barn to let Diamond and her baby get to know each other.
"Are you really afraid of horses?" Bennet asked.
I looked at him surprised, "Yes, Why would I lie to you?"
"It's just that you didn't seemed afraid back there."
I smiled and said "Diamond wasn't a scary horse, she was so calm."
"Who is diamond?" He asked
"Oh, that's what I decided to call the horse."
"It's nice." He replied
I walked up to the porch and smiled at him.
"Good night Bennett. Thank you for tonight, I'll see you at breakfast"
He smiled and nodded. I went inside the house and walked to the kitchen because I was thirsty. I got myself a tall glass of water and went to my bedroom. I got out of my dress and wore my night gown.
I drank the water and got wrapped up in my comfy bed. I closed my eyes and thought of my dad 'I wonder how he's doing'. Its been a few days now since I've been here and its been a little difficult but I'm getting used to it.
This morning I'll go see Diamond and the filly with Bennet. I'm also going downtown with Mary and Bennett. Mary said we need a few things for the house and Bennett needs to get food for the horses. Also the men need supplies for their work. I think I'll look for a shop where they sell fabric and sew a few clothes maybe few trousers to wear around the farm.
I got ready after i finished bathing and wore my purple dress. It had a bow in the back the was a lighter shade of purple. I wore my shoes and fixed my hair into a perfect bun with a few strands of hair curled to frame my face. Luckily I only need to use lipstick here. I went downstairs and saw everyone starting to sit down at the table. I placed some eggs with toast and few pancakes on my plate and started to eat while everyone else talked.
"How are you feeling today Abigail?" Asked Mary.
I smiled and replied "I'm feeling great thank you. What about you?"
"I'm feeling quit good myself. Are you ready for the ride to town?"
"Yes I think so."
(After breakfast)
Holding a plate full of the food we had for breakfast, I walked to the barn. The plate is for Bennet who didn't show up for breakfast with the other men.
I peaked through the crack in Diamonds stable and saw her sitting beside the filly and Bennett, who was brushing her mane.
I knocked on the door and Diamond's head shot up for a few seconds, then went back to looking at her filly.
"Good morning Bennett."
"Good morning Abigail."
"We didn't see you at breakfast so Mary fixed you a plate." I handed him the plate and he placed it on the floor and took a bite from the pancakes with the fork.
"Do you want to brush her hair?" He asked
I nodded to the filly, "Will Diamond be ok with it?"
"Of course she will, she knows you. She wouldn't let me brush it but maybe she will let you"
"Are you sure Bennett?" I asked, unsure
"Positive, come on have a go."
He handed the brush over to me. I slowly walked to Diamond as if to ask for permition, I slowly reached my hand to the filly and slowly brushed her the way Bennett showed me the other day.
"I told you." Bennett said when Diamond didn't react.
I kept brushing the filly, "What are you gonna name her?" I asked
"I don't know but I was think since you named her mother and you were there when she was born, that you might want to name her?"
"Are you sure?"
"One hundered percent"
"What about Star since her back looks like it has shooting stars?"
"It's sounds amazing and fits her too."

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