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It's been about 4 and half years since I met Ben we are happily married for 2 years now and we have a really beautiful daughter that we named Lilly since I just loved Lilly's so much and it just seemed suiting for her.

"Mummy mummy hide me Daddy wants to eat me"

I laughed and hid my daughter behind me when I heard Ben footsteps coming to the kitchen he was on all fours and he had his teeth out

"Ben honey what are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious I want to eat our tasty daughter?"

Lilly squealed behind and he smiled itching slowly towards her.
I quickly picked our daughter and held her beside my swelling belly.

"You won't do no such thing, my daughter isn't for eating she is only for tickling"

That's when I started tickling her and she was just laughing so hard, Ben soon joined in.
I heard a knock on the door and when Ben went to open it I saw my dad walking in.

"Grandpa please tell them to stop" my little girl said while trying to get to him

"Stop what honey?" he reached for her and held her

"Daddy is trying to eat me and Mummy won't stop tickling me" she explained to him

"Eating you Ben you will stop right now and so will you Abigail no one is going to eat my baby"

"But I'm really hungry and Lilly looks really tasty" Ben answered still in character

"Then eat something else not my granddaughter"

"You go Grandpa"

She started to give us her tongue when my dad walked into the living room and his back was to us.

"We have raised a monster" Ben told me laughing a little while hugging me from the back and rubbing his hands on my belly"

"We oh no she takes her "Monstrous" from you mister remember who wanted to eat it her a couple minutes ago"

We both started to laughing a little more.

"How's my little buddy doing in there?" Ben said out of the blue in the middle of our laughing

"Why do you assume it's a he?"

"I just having a feeling"

"Like you had a feeling that Lilly would be a boy?"

"That was little mistake but this time I'm sure"

"ya sure"

"Mummy I'm hungry" Lilly came in saying while rubbing her stomach

Ben helped me carry the food I made for lunch to the table; we ate while talking about our day.
half way through lunch Lilly went to her room to get the painting she made for my dad. And that's how life has been from heartbreak to finding true love to having Lilly to having even another child and no one really knows what the future really holds.


Can't believe Time Machine is really finished i mean this book i worked at for over a year now and i can't believe the amount of readers i have so far thank you all for supporting my dream of maybe one day becoming a published author i love you all thanks for every vote and comment i love love love you all thank again don't forget to share this story with your friends thank again.

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