Chapter 13

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When I opened my eyes I was in a small space when I looked around it was my car oh my I'm back in 2013 I quickly stood up and walked out the car when suddenly the lady who put me back showed up out of tin air.

"I have decided to give you a few days here with your father just like you asked use your time here wisely" she then disappeared.

I quickly changed in the car wearing some black jeans and a tank top.

I drove to my house, I killed the car, found my dads cruiser still there I took my key and opened the door and went to take his room like he always does each year I found him crying facing my mums side of the bed I took off my shoes and went to the side facing him "baby girl is that you?" He looked surprised I went under the covers and hugged him "it's me daddy I knew how much u needed me this day so I had to come back for a few days" "baby girl I missed you so much" "I missed u too daddy" "wait what do u mean for a few days?!" "Daddy I can't stay for long I need to get back to my job" "please honey don't leave me" "I have to dad it's me job" I hugged him really tight "I will go make some breakfast daddy for old times sake.

I went downstairs and started making breakfast I did some pancakes with extra vanilla what can I say am like my dad I sat it on the table and called for him few Minutes he came and sat beside kissing my forehead and started eating when I was down I put the dishes in the machine and went to my room I had a quick shower and changed into some short shorts and a loose hoodie I put my hair in a bun and walked out of my room "where are you going?" "Well WE are going for walk dad come on get dressed I will clean here" u just nodded I hate when it's this time of the year.

Am sure your wondering why am not crying or sad it's because I can't be down I need to stay strong for my dad if were both down it won't help.

I finished cleaning and was about to go upstairs when there was a knock on the door I walked to the door and opened it and you will never believe what I'm seeing right now "I know you hate me and you have the right to be but I just wanted to say Im sorry and I really hope your ok I know this time of the year is hard" Conner was standing there with a bunch of flowers "who is it honey" my dad screamed from upstairs "it's no one dad" I called back "you better stay the hell away from me and my family I forgive you for what you did to me leave before I tell my dad really who is really on the door leave" he looked at am surprised he never seen this side from me "leave" I said again he was about to leave when I asked again "wait" he turned around having hope in his eyes "why did you do it?" Then there was a pause and the look of disappointment and shame in his eyes "do you love her" he wait few seconds then nodded "instead of cheating on me you could have just told me you loved someone else I would have understood I would be in pain but at least less then this......leave" "I'm sorry" he then left leaving the flowers on the flower I picked then up and went to the trash in the garden when I was about to throw them I saw this girl crying on the bus stop chair I walked to her "hey miss are you ok?" She sniffed then looked at me "my parents are fighting" she started to cry again and I hugged her "it's ok her have these am sure they will brighten your day" she looked at the floors and smiled "thanks ma'am" "call me Abby I live right there whenever you need me just come over ok" she nodded and thanked me again I went back to my house and into my room.

I changed into a pink trousers and white tank top with white shoes I went downstairs to find my dad waiting "where are we going this time" "come on"

I drove my car to the cemetery and I held my dads hand "come in daddy let's say hi to mum" he nodded with tears in his eyes we walked for a while until we found her stone I sat beside her grave and placed the white roses she loved and took away the dead ones.

"Hey mum i miss you dad is here" he started to have tears in his eyes he sat beside me and started to talk "hello honey how have you been I really miss you everyday i miss waking up and seeing your beautiful face in the morning I miss your kisses I miss her your food I just miss you" he started crying "mum tell dad everything is going to be ok" suddenly there was slight wind and my hair started flying everywhere I smiled and looked at the sky "hi mum" I repeated and there was wind again I smiled "can you feel her dad she's with us she's always been with us" he looked at the sky and you can see that ur was talking to her.

We ended to spending about and hour there then we went home my dad said he was tired so he went inside and had a nap I went into the kitchen to find everything empty I was about to go to the basement to see if there was food when there was a knock on the door I walked into it and opened the door that same girl was crying "Abby my parents are fighting again can I please stay here for a little while?" "Of course sweetie come on sit in the living room am going to go to the basement I will be back on a few she nodded and sat on the chair I walked around the basement and there was nothing in there too I guess my dad hadn't been food shopping this whole two months I have been gone well I guess I have to go shopping I back to the living room to find the girl that I still didn't get her name stare into space "hey am going to go grocery shopping wanna come with?" "Sure" "I never got your name?" "Raven" "it's nice to meet you let me just write a note for my dad and will be off ok" she nodded and I wrote done "I went out to get some food be back ASAP" I left it on the kitchen table and went to get my keys and everything "ready?" "Yap" we went to my car and we drop to the local supermarket Raven helped me carry the bags it was 5 trips that's a lot of food but I needed to fill in the basement for him we drove home and again she helped me carry everything in my dad was watching tv and he came out and helped us carry the rest of things "do you want to stay for dinner?" "If it's ok with Mr Ford" "it's sure is Raven" he smiled at Raven then went to finish his game it was football "his nice" "of course he is becuz 1 his my dad and 2 his a police officer so don't worry ok"

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