Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Leila Abudraa

I slowly opened my eyes. My head hurt and suddenly everything came back from last night. I slowly rose from the bed but to see I wasn't in my bed -scratch that- I wasn't in my room. This looked like I was in an old room. I looked to the bed sheets and everything around me and I didn't recognise anything I don't know how I even got into these weird cloths.

There was a knock on the door and some girl walked in with a maid looking outfit. She smiled at me and asked, "Are you ready for your bath miss?"

I screamed and ran out the room and into the very large hallway. I went left and went in random directions until I saw stairs. I ran down them and there were more people asking me things. I opened a door and saw it led to outside. I ran but then my foot hit a large rock and I fell and hit my head instantly. I then blacked out.

When I opened my eyes I thought, that was a weird dream. I stood from my bed and walked to my bathroom. I took a long hot shower and changed into some pj's. I went downstairs and found my dad cooking some of his special pancakes.

"Good morning baby, how are feeling?"

"Morning Daddy, I still feel the same, maybe even worse."

"Do you wanna talk about it baby girl?"

"Not now daddy, maybe after breakfast."

"Ok baby, what do you want with your pancakes?"

"Extra vanilla ice cream.”  That's rock bottom for me. If I eat extra vanilla ice cream it means am not feeling good.

"I’m sure it's not that bad baby."

"Believe me daddy it's worse."

He hugged me, kissed my forehead and went to get my ice cream. After breakfast we went to the couch and I told him what happened. He instantly got mad because he knew how much I loved both Connor and Elizabeth.

"Dad the only reason I told you about all this is because I want your help today to get my stuff. I don't know what I would do if he was there so would you please come?"

"Of course I will go and while I get your stuff I will beat the H E double hockey sticks out of Connor and maybe even shoot him" (before you panic my dad is a police officer).

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