Chapter 24

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“I’m really sorry I shouldn’t have kissed you without your permission” Bennett said

“It’s fine I over reacted I shouldn’t have it was my fault” I answered

“It’s mine really I’m truly sorry” he answered

And right then and there I know that he was nothing like Conner and I decided that like my dad had said I should just forget about Conner and finally move on.

I looked deep into his eyes and I reached my hand on his cheek and wiped the tears that once fell, and slowly leaned in and kissed him ever so softly.

He was shocked at first I knew that, he responded for about a minute he kissed me slowly not the way Conner used to kiss me his kiss was soft like he was holding something that could break any minute and I had to admit I actually loved having him hold and kiss me that way about few seconds later he pulled back and leaned his forehead on mine.

“Wow” he said out of breathe.

Somehow though the night Bennett laid on the grass with me beside him and my face on his chest his heart beat soothing me.

“Can I take you out tomorrow for dinner?” he suddenly asked out of the blue

I turned around shocked that he would ask something like that he smiled at me.


I didn’t know what to answer I mean I liked him and all but isn’t that going too fast?

“You don’t have to answer me right now let’s enjoy the time being but tell me when the sun is rising ok?”

I nodded and he leaned down and asked if he could kiss me and I nodded and for the second time today he kissed me ever so softly I really did enjoy kissing him I loved being in his arms he made me feel like if he would let go of me then it would be the end of the world.

He pulled back and laid down on the grass I laid my head back on his chest and just like that I feel asleep wrapped around Bennett’s arms.

 And for the first time this month since my breakup I slept feeling over joyed.

“Abby wake up the sun is about to rise”

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Bennett smiling down at me he helped me sit up and he wrapped his arms around me as we watched the sun rise.

“Yes I will go with you to Dinner”

Time Machine (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now