Chapter 16

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I was standing up from the booth when I hit something and was falling when something caught me I opened my eyes and looked at those hazel eyes “sorry I wasn’t looking my way” he helped me fully up when I was out of shock I looked carefully when I saw Ben “it’s fine it was my fault how are you?” “no no it’s mine really and I’m good you?” “I’m great” I looked back and saw dad just standing there then I remembered “omg where are my manners Ben this is my dad Jonathan Ford, dad this is Ben” “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Ford” Ben said “likewise Ben, sweetie I have to go to work the guys just told me they had a new case and need my help, I will see you at home later” he kissed my forehead “it was nice to meet you Ben” he left then I turned to Ben “so…” “how did you sleep? Btw you look great” “ I slept fine and thanks so do you” it was a little awkward “so do u have any plans tomorrow?” Ben asked I felt bad since am leaving tomorrow and he really seems like a great guy “actually I’m leaving today I live in Paris now I’m sorry” “oh it’s fine maybe another time” he said then I heard someone saying “Yo Ben were going to the fair want to join?” “Ya one second” he answered then looked at me “do want to go to the fair with me and the guys?” “sure I was going with Nathan and Caleb I’m sure there done by now I’ll go and get them” “ok want a ride or your boyfriend can give you one” “oh they’re aren’t my boyfriend there my friends and they will take me there here give me your phone and I will give you my number so you can reach me when were there” “oh ok then here and I will see you there” I wrote done my number then I said goodbye I walked to the back where the boys were taking off their aprons “are you done?” “ya let me just change and well go” they went upstairs and I took their car keys and started the car soon they came and we started driving there soon we reached and I we walked out when a motorbike parked beside me it was Ben.

“you’re a slow driver aren’t you?” “no I just had to stop by somewhere and get things done” “oh ok by the way Ben meet my childhood friends aka brothers Nathan Caleb” “ sap man where you been?” “wait you know each other” “ya we do we used to go to the same school” Caleb answered.

Nathan walked to me “come on let’s go in and get our tickets” all the guys went behind us when suddenly I was lifted off the floor onto someone’s back “put me down put me down!!!!” I started screaming my head was on the back of someone so if they slipped I would hit my head first and die, I know I might me be over reacting but I don’t like this “please put me down please” by now my eyes had few tears “dude put her down she’s crying” “were only laughing around Ben cool down “I said put her down she’s frightened” who ever held me slowly placed me on the floor I backed away and looked up though my teary eyes to see a guy I never seen before “go we’ll catch up on you let her cool down ok” “Abby are you ok?” that was Nathan I nodded my head and the started walking away they were all shouting at whoever picked me up.

I backed away until my back hit the wall I brought my legs to my chest and I buried my head on my knees “are you ok Abigail he was just joking around” “ya just give me a minute” he didn’t say anything but walked away few seconds later he came back and I felt him place something on my shoulders I looked back up and saw he had a jacket.

“Come on let’s go I will get you some candy floss” I smiled and he helped me up “thanks for your jacket I need to stop taking them”, he laughed a bit then helped me up and we slowly made our way to the line to get tickets when Caleb ran to us “we bought you guys tickets so you don’t have to pay” “thanks Cay you didn’t have to let me pay for you” “no it’s on us all the boys especially  Cam” he put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me to the candy shop "1 large candy floss please” Nathan ordered

805 words.  i love you please don't forget to vote, comment and share i love you peace of and stay strong PM if u need to ask about anything <3

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