Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes and then closed them fast because of the bright light. I blinked to get used to the light, then walked to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and had a long, long shower with vanilla shampoo and body wash.

This would be the last time I could wash with my favourite shampoo.

I got dressed in my white lace dress. I added a black leather jacket with high tops, then I went downstairs and found my dad making some waffles.

“Good morning baby girl! Where are you going, dressed so nice?"

"I’m just gonna go walk around the city, but I’m hoping we can hangout today, like old times?"

"Sure baby! My shift ends at 1 today, so how about we get something to eat then go to the fair. Sounds good?"


We ate our food then I left. I took my keys and phone with me. Oh,thow I am going to miss my phone, and everything else, but I couldn't help but smile. Maybe this is a new chance in life. I smiled even more when I thought of Bennett. I went to the library and did some studying. When I was done, I went to Starbucks and got a latte. I freely walked around the city. I went the park and remembered the events of a few days ago. A tear slipped and I started to walk. I went to city hall and searched the data of the year Bennett told me. I fund out that in that year my great great great great..............etc grandmother was alive. I guess I was in her body, but it didn't say anymore.

I went to the diner and found dad about to sit. He noticed me and smiled. I went and hugged him.

"How was work daddy?"

"It was fine."

We ate and my dad drove us home to change from his uniform. It was 5 o'clock so we walked to the fair because it was only a few blocks down.

(1 hour and 30 mins later)

We spent a great time at the fair and now I have few hours left in this century. Dad said he had to get back to the police station so we went home and I took my bags downstairs. I took one more look at my room. I spent 20 years here and I had great memories. My dad walked out of his bedroom to see my bags.

"Where are you going with your suitcases?"

"I'm moving dad, I can't stay here. Their are too many hurtful memories. I got a job in France and my flight is in a few hours. I'm really sorry dad, but today I went to the park and started crying because I saw Conner walking with Elizabeth holding hands and laughing and smiling. I am going to  leave my phone here."

"You can't leave me! Please, not you too. First your mother, and now you! You're all I have left you can't just leave me! I will move with you."

I started crying and his eyes were starting to tear up. "I'm so sorry but I need to do this alone, daddy. Plus you have a lot of people here who care about you. I will try to call, I promise."

"I love you Abby, please don't leave me"

"Goodbye daddy, I love you so much." I kissed his cheeks and hugged him tight. I am going to  miss him if only I could take him with me. I took my suitcases and placed them in my car. I opened the front door and looked at my dad.

"Take care of yourself daddy, I really love you." I got in and drove off. It took me about 1 hour to get out of the city. I drove my car into the woods and took my phone out. I had one hour left I called the first person on my contacts.


"I loved you with all my heart and you said you loved me and I believed you! You are a liar because if you really loved me then you would never have cheated on me with one of my oldest, best friends! If you liked her, you should have told me, like a civil person would instead of going behind my back. But you know what, if it wasn't for you, I would have never have been able to leave for my dream job. I'm moving away, and I really hope you have a happy ending with Elizabeth. I mean you were all lovely dovey with her this morning, just please don't hurt her like you did to me. Goodbye Conner, forever."

I closed my phone and I called my aunt. "Hey Aunty, I need you to do me something, please. I am moving away and I need you to take care of dad. Ok? Please check on him for me. Thanks,I love you."

I took a deep breath and opened the car door. I placed my phone under the tire and went over it with my car a few times. When I looked at it, it was in half. I picked it up and through it in the lake. I sat on the roof of my car and watched the moon.

"Please, please, let me see my dad. Once a year at least. Their is one day he really needs me on, and that's the day my mum died. Please just give me this wish. Once a year".

I climb into the car, closed my eyes, and slowly went to sleep. I hope my wish comes true.

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