Chapter 29

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Enjoy this really long update so im sorry to say but TM is almost done just a few more chapters to go anyways if u haven't read my note go back and read chapter 16 extra i just updated it today


It been around a month since the wolf thing and to be honest I haven’t been this home sick I was trying to contact the Witch but nothing has happened I like Bennett and I love everyone here but I want to go home to my dad and maybe even start something with Ben.

I was sitting in the workshop really missing home, when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in?”

“Hello you it’s Bennett”


“Are you ok?”

“Yes why would you ask?”

“It’s just that you have been down today and you just locked yourself up here all day”

“It’s nothing really I just been doing a lot of thinking”

“As long as you’re ok, listen I have to go I have a lot of chores to do”


He closed the door and I just laid at the sofa watching everyone do with their life”

“Do you want to go back to your time?”

I looked back shocked at the voice it was the witch.

“How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Appear from nothing?”

“I’m a witch we have our ways, so do you want to go back to your father?”

“Yes please I really miss him”

“Ok then let’s go”

And just like that I disappeared and I was in the forest on top of the car like the day I left, I quickly opened the trunk got a dress and changed in  the car fixed my hair and drove quickly to home.

I couldn’t wait to go home and see my dad and everyone I really missed them.

I got home and knocked the door my dad opened the door looking so tired.

“Baby girl is that you?”

“Yes daddy it’s me”

“What are you doing I thought you’re in Paris?”

“I was but now I’m here”

“Do you mean your back for good?”

“Yes daddy I’m back for good now go and have a shower cause were going to the dinner for some lunch and then well go do some shopping for the house what do you say give this place a new touch?”

“Ok as long as your back”

“I’m back”

He hugged me so tight, we both walked up stairs he helped me with my bags I got to my room and took a long shower with my favorite vanilla shampoo GOD I missed having a normal shower.

Getting out and drying my hair with a towel then using my hair curler to curl my hair I got into some short shorts and a long tee.

I decided I wanted to go to the city hall and check what happened in 1876 after I left.

Telling my dad that I would only take about 20 minutes then I’ll be back for our lunch in the dinner.

Walking around the city never felt any better I went inside the city hall and asked what I needed it only took them few seconds to find it.

Time Machine (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now