Chapter 12

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The doctor came about an hour after I finished and he's been in the room with Noah for almost half an hour now. Mary, the girls and I decided we would make some lunch and make something for Noah to help him heal. The rest of the men finished Bennett's chores but of course no one wanted to touch his horses, so now I'm taking a few of Diamond's favorite vegetables to feed her. I was about to walk out the back door when Gail told me that the doctor wanted to talk with me. I placed the vegetables on a counter and went to meet the doctor. 

"Hello Ms.Ford, I couldn't help but wonder who had helped Noah with his injury and Bennett told me it was you." I nodded, confirming that it was me.

"Well that was quite professional work and I was wondering if you would like to work with me in the clinic. It's about half an hour from here." I thought about it for a minute. 

"Thank you for your offer but I can't leave the farm, there's a lot of work-" The doctor interrupted me. 

"I understand, however if there is ever an emergency of some sort would you come?" 

"Sure thing, doctor?" 

"Sands, Evan Sands." 

"Sure thing Dr.Sands." He shook my hand. 

"We'll keep in touch Ms.Ford" I nodded and walked him out. I went back to kitchen to get the vegetables and went to the stables. I walked to the back and I could see that Star was sleeping. I opened the door and sat beside Diamond. I laid the vegetables in front of her and let her choose what she wanted. Meanwhile I filled the water tub for her to drink. I brushed them both so that later Bennett would only have to take them out to clean their stable. 

I walked into the kitchen to find the girls setting the table. 

"Sweetie can you take this food to Noah and Ruby?" 

"Sure Mary." I took the tray and walked down the hallway and knocked on the door. Alexander opened the door a few seconds later. 

"Can I come in?" He nodded with a smile and stepped aside. I walked into the room, "Hello Noah, how are feeling today?" 

"Much better thanks to you." 

"Don't thank me, anyone would have helped. How about you Ruby, how are you feeling?" 

"I'm great thank you so much." 

"You guys, please stop thanking me and I brought you some lunch. Alec do you like to join us downstairs, I made cake." 

"Yum cake, lets go Abby." 

"Alec it's Abigail" Ruby said sternly 

"It's fine Ruby, enjoy your lunch. I will try to come by later to get the tray, if I can't one of the girls will." Alec held my hand as I closed the door and together we walked to the dinning room table. 

"Would you please ring the bell again Alec?" He nodded and ran to it. 

"Mary I'm going to take a bath and change so you can start lunch without me." 

"Are you sure Abigail?" She asked 

"Yeah, I'm sure." 

"I'll go heat the water for you then." Gail said. I nodded and went to my room. I took a dress that I made out. I was light purple with a white trimming on the edges of the selves. I pulled my hair into a bun, picked up my clothes and towel and went to the bathroom to take my bath. 

After my bath I walked into my room, changed into my clothes and laid down for a little bit. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

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