Chapter 20

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“Honey are you ok?” Gail asked she came over to me and hugged me I cried on her shoulder and after few minutes I let the darkness hit me.

(Next Day)

I opened my eyes to see I have a headache as soon as I stood I looked around to find I was sleeping on the couch in the room I work in I stood from my place and looked at the window there were men cleaning I decided to go have a bath I took a pair of jeans from the table and just a normal Tee I sowed from the left over fabrics I had when I was done I went back to the workshop that’s what I’m going to call it.

I started writing a letter to my dad.

Dear Dad,

Life in Paris isn’t like what I expected it to be honest it’s been hard lately but I need this change I have been working in this amazing fashion company and I get to designed for them, also in the weekend I went to the country side and I learnt how to get over my fear of horses.

I meet this really great guy and I really like him but the thing is I don’t know how to move on from Conner I miss you daddy I love you stay safe ok and don’t forget to eat

Yours truly Abby

I added the address and left it on the table the witch told me if I wanted to talk to my dad I could send him letters and he would answer me.

There was a knock on the door and then it opened I didn’t bother to answer or turn around, I’m not trying to be rude or anything but I’m just really confused.

“Sweetie you didn’t come down for breakfast or lunch so Mary told us to send it to your room I will put it on the table” Gail said

“Thank you”

“If you need to talk to me just call my name”

She waited for few seconds than left I went to the couch and sat again writing on my journal i felt like someone was watching me you know that feeling when someone is staring at you and it’s like you can feel it anyways I looked outside the window and it was Bennett.

He had this look on his face that broke my heart I turned around and sat in the corner of the room away from the window after few minutes I slowly feel a sleep.

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