Chapter 16 Extra

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To understand this update u got to go back and read chapter 16 ok have fun reading the update thank you for your support another update soon

After getting my candy floss everyone started separating to different rides Nathan and Caleb wanted to go on the roller coasterbut didn't want to leave me alone so Ben offered to keep my company so they went and waited in line.

Ben instead insisted on playing some of the fair games we played a few and ended up winning a lot of teddy bears I got all types unicorns, panda's and normal teddy bear looking it was really cute he helped me carry some of them since I couldn't hold them all.

I this little girl in the corner and I took the big panda bear from Ben and told him to wait here I walked to her and asked her why she was crying she told me she lost her mummy and daddy and she wanted them back because she missed them, I smiled and handed her the teddy bear which only got her to smile for a few seconds I told her to wait for me.

I walked to Ben and told him to put the teddies in the car and that we would wait for him to come back and then we would go together and find her parents he ran so quickly and while we waited I asked her about her name which she so kindly told me was Tiana she also told me her name was Greek because her mum and dad meet there.

Ben came back few minutes later and we went around asking around if anyone saw parents who were looking for a little girl but everyone said no.

Ben then thought about maybe announcing that we had Tiana to the Dj and her parents should come her.

We waited for about ten minutes when I saw two people rushing around Tiana then screamed and ran to them, they hugged her and the women was crying.

The man walked to us and thanked us but we said he shouldn't thank us and that anybody else would have done what we did.

Tiana hugged us and said thank you I hugged her back.

"Now Tiana you have to take good care of this teddy ok promise me you would take care of him"

"I promise"

"What are you going to name it?"

"I don't? Um how about Alex?"

"That's a great name well I have to go"

"Goodbye and thank you for finding my mummy and daddy"

Me and Ben walked around and we ended up getting some food to eat he suggested we walk around the beach since I didn't really feel like going to any of the rides we walked around the shores and then we sat beside a big fire and started eating smores which was the best thing ever.

People started counting down and I didn't really know why they were counting at 1 fireworks started going off it was so beautiful the sky with beautiful and colors and the sea reflecting the colors.

Ben placed his jacket on my shoulders and I turned around to thank him it was getting a bit chilly when our lips touched, I was shocked at first but then both of us started kissing.

This moment couldn't get any better sitting her on the beach while there were fireworks couldn't get any more romantic he leaned back and held my face in his hand he whispered something to me that made my heart skip a beat.

"You're so beautiful"

I pecked his lips and whispered something back to him.

"Catch me"

Before he could register I stood up and ran towards the beach he was running after me, few minutes went by but then I felt something hold my waist, I tripped and was waiting for the fall but then I was held up.

"I got you"

I knew it from then that I was falling for him, even though it such a short period but I fell for him, he held me on his shoulder and was heading towards the water.

"Ben stop the water is going to be freezing and we don't have anything to wear stop Ben stop"

But before I could do anything else he had though me towards the water and like I expected it was freezing he held me from my waist and I thought I could turn this around I stopped moving and I was under water so he probably thought I stopped breathing.

So quickly I was picked up from the water into the shore he was attempting to do CPR and I could stop laughing.

He looked shocked at first but then he got this determined look on his face and I knew I was in trouble he started to tickle me and I couldn't stop laughing.

"Please stop Ben please I beg you"

He stopped shorty after that and I was glad somehow we ended up laying on the sand I had my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat he wrapped his arms around me trying to get both of us as warm as possible.

He then decided we should go back to the fire that was our best way to get warm.

We spent about an hour there trying to dry ourselves of when I looked at the time it was about 8:30 I had to go home and say goodbye to my dad it would be soon before I go back.

I asked Ben if he could help me find the boys because I needed a ride home but he said he would text them and they would come there and give them there and that he would take me home.

Caleb and Nathan met us at the door and they took their keys promising to bring my teddy's home tomorrow me and Ben walked along the parking looking for his bike when we found it he handed me a helmet and helped me ware it.

He got in then helped me in and we drove a little around the city, we stopped by some shop to get something to eat.

"Did you enjoy your day today?" he had asked

"Yes I had I really enjoyed getting to know you and just hanging out for fun really needed some cheering to be honest" I answered

"So I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?"

"Actually Ben my flight Is in a few hours I'm sorry I would've loved to go but I can't I hope I can get a rain check on that?"

"Rain check it is I hope you have a safe flight and as soon as your back give me a call ok?"


He drove me home after that, he even took the time to walk me to the porch.

He kissed me softly when we reached the door.

"I like you Abby I wish you didn't have to go"

"I wish I didn't have to go either"

I got in and I watched him drive away.

At that moment I remembered what that old lady told me "Be careful of what you wish for".

"You like him don't you honey"

"I do daddy he makes me feel like I'm the only girl on earth what he makes me feel is nothing compared to what Conner made me feel"

"Be careful honey I mean with your traveling now it's going to be hard"

"I know daddy, listen I'm going to go pack my flight is in a few hours"

"Ok baby"

He kissed my forehead and then walked upstairs.

I sighed I really wish I never had done that wish now; I walked upstairs and pretended to pack a few things in my small bag.

I went to my dad's room and kissed his cheek leaving a note saying that I left.

I went back to the forest where I left last time and I sat on the roof and slept as the sun was rising.

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