Chapter 19

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“is there something wrong why are they looking at us?” Gail asked

“I honestly don’t know?” I answered.

“it’s cause both of you look amazingly beautiful today” Mary answer

We both blushed and thanked her Adam came running to help Gail and she blushed I left them alone but I did hear a beautiful from him.

“Can I help you?”

I turned around and there was Bennett wearing a white button down and black trousers.

“you clean up nice and thanks there still some food inside”

“Look who’s talking you look beautiful yourself”

I blushed hard but he took the plates off of me and I went inside to get the rest Adam and Gail walked in after I walked out so I decided to leave them alone, one of the boys came running to me.

“Miss miss!!” he placed his hands on his knees and took deep breathes

“call me Abigail and is everything ok?!”

“Yes Miss I mean Abigail but your fabrics and things are here do you want me to carry them to your room?”

“It’s fine I’ll do them myself here have some food to eat and call the rest of the men to eat to everyone is invited”

“Are sure miss I mean Abigail?”

“Hundred percent”

I walked outside and I picked few fabrics and walked upstairs, I placed them in the room I work in and went down but I heard someone call my name.


I walked into the kitchen and found Bennett holing a plates I walked faster to help him I set the dishes In the sink.

“where were you, you just disappeared?” Bennett asked

“oh I was taking the fabrics into my room, did you need something?”

“no do you need any help?”

“I can do it there are only few roles anyways”

“I insist”

I tried to tell him not to but like he said he insisted so he took three and left me one, I was in front of him I opened the door and put the fabric role on the table he sit them beside the door I looked through the big window and it looked amazing you could hear people singing and the radio was on so you can listen to even more music.

“You’ve got yourself a nice view right here”


He stood beside me and we just watched I don’t know how much time we watched but somehow we got close and he looked at me and in return I looked at him and he leaned downwards, and he kissed me at that moment I felt time stop and fireworks everywhere exploded he backed away and leaned his forehead on mine and we watched each other for few minutes before I realized what happened he kissed me omg he kissed me, I backed away quickly and you could see the realization in his face.

“I’m so sorry I don’t know what have gotten to me I’m so sorry please say something”

“Can you please leave close the door”

“no please say you accept my apology I really didn’t mean to kiss you I don’t know what happened”

“please just leave close the door behind you”

He sighed probably knowing there is no winning in this I turned around and he left closing the door behind him I brought the couch seat beside the window and watched people having fun you guys probably wondering why I’m acting like this well if u remember the reason I’m here because my Ex Finance cheated on me and plus I’m not looking for love.

I felt something wet on my hand that was neatly tucked on my legs I touched my face and there was tears the door suddenly opened with force and what I saw got me to freeze in my place.


Hey eveyrone how are you i didn't want to leave you waiting anymore it's been more than two weeks anyways here's an update second one probably after monday i will try my best TM hit 731 reads im soo HAPPY i hope everyone has a blessed day Good morning, Good afternoon, Good night where ever you are i love you

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