Chapter 30

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In the morning I had a long shower got dressed into some shorts and a tank top, heading downstairs I decided I would make some of my famous strawberry pancakes.

I was almost done making them when I heard the door knock, I was about to open it when my dad called out saying he would open it.

I heard him open the door and greet someone, I was starting to get the plates for me and dad and some coffee, when I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen, I looked and it was dad with Ben.

"Good morning Dad, morning Ben"

"Morning" they said together

I handed everyone a plate with two pancakes each and a cup of coffee for both Ben and my dad and got myself a cup of apple juice.

we ate having simple conversations in between.

"Baby girl I have to go to the station there is a new case ill try to come by later to help and call me if you need anything so I can bring it with me".

"Ok daddy, Ben is going to stay and help me"

"Ok baby girl take care"

He kissed my forehead and went upstairs probably so he could change into his uniforms.

"Are you ready, to start painting?"

"Yes, just give me a second to get the dishes in the dishwasher"

He nodded then let me put the dishes I left the machine working while I went to the garage to get a few boxes to put my things into it.

Ben helped me empty my room into boxes it wasn't that much since I haven't really emptied the boxes I brought from Conner's house.

Ben helped me carry the bed and the rest of the furniture into the yard since I was donating them to charity.

"So what color did you get?" Ben asked

"I got purple and white; we could paint the walls purple and the rest of the things in white like the windows"

"Great let's start then"

He started painting and half way we started playing around and I ended up with most of the paint on me instead of the wall.

I painted my hand and glued it to the wall beside the wall under the light switch so there would be a hand print, I made Ben do it to and there was two hand prints now, it was kind of cute to be honest.

"Well I think were done here" Ben said

"I think we did a pretty good job"

"Yes, we did"

"I'll show you were the bathroom is so you could get cleaned up"


I showed him the way and went back to my room I went into the bathroom and changed quickly into a short summer dress I washed the paint prints as best as I could I wore my combat boots and wore a light sweater.

When Ben was outside I told him we would go somewhere to eat because I was a little hungry.

we rode in his bike to the dinner and we had a nice lunch the boys Nathan and Caleb joined us and my dad came and joined us about an hour later.

We all had a great lunch and Ben asked if he could take ma later on a date and of course I said yes, he offered to drive me home but my dad was already there so we bid our goodbye and my dad took me home.

The day went by quick when I got my room was completely dry my dad called the workers to put the new white furniture in my room, the white curtains were hung and all my clothes were in my walk in closet which was painted the opposite of my room everything was white and the furniture was purple.

I sat in front of my makeup table and started to do my hair I went for straight hair for today's date, I wore a simple baby blue colored dress I matched with white cardigan and flat shoes.

I heard a knock on the door and my dad said he would open it, I knew it was Ben he was always on time.

I took one last look in the mirror before going downstairs I saw Ben wearing something a little to formal for a normal date he had a bouquet of Lilly's there beautiful.

"You look beautiful Abby" Ben said

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself"

"Now you take care of my baby girl for me" my dad told Ben

"I will sir"

"Have a nice night Baby girl"

"I will Daddy"

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