Chapter 17

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790 words Hey everyone i will make this short now i get an applause for updating 4 times in the same don't you guys think lol anyways thanks everyone for the support and this time I'm serious if i don't get 5 votes i won't update anymore and congratulations to my country for winning the African Cup so PROUD Love you all Stay Strong

I slowly opened my eyes and the light blinded me so I closed my eyes quickly, I tried again I hissed as my head started to hurt “good your awake” I heard someone say I opened my eyes again finally adjusting to the light.

“what happened?”

“you fell I think I scared you I shouldn’t have been just standing there I’m so sorry it just that you were so good with the horses and Diamond hadn’t let me anywhere near her or Star and I was just surprised how she let you and I  didn’t want to scare either of you and I’m so deeply sorry……..”

“hold up my head hurts a lot”

“Ya Dr. Sands said it would for few hours here drink this it will help with the pain”

He handed me a tall glass of white liquid I drank it and slowly I drifted back to sleep.

(The next day)

I opened my eyes feeling my head still hurt but much better than yesterday I look around and I find Bennett sitting on a chair in the corner of my bed I slowly shift and sit but that was a bad idea my head started to pound harder I hissed a little.

I slowly stood up and walked a few feet but then I dropped suddenly I had no energy I waited the impact but it never came.

“I got you Abigail I got you”, Bennett said he picked me up and put me back on the bed.

“I will tell Mary to make you some food I’m sure your quit hungry again I’m really sorry”

he walked out with a defeated look, I closed my eyes and I fell back asleep.

“Sweetie you need to awake up and eat something so you can take your medicine”

“Mum is that you”

“Its Mary sweetie come on you need to wake up”

I opened my eyes and saw Mary with a tray she helped me sit and she helped me with the food when I was done I asked her about Bennett and she told me that he was training Star on how to walk.

“Can you help me I want to you watch”

She nodded and she helped me take a bath and I changed into trousers and a jumper she said that Ruby had made for me as a thank you gift for letting her and her family stay at the house, we slowly made our way down stairs and into the back where there was a circle made of wood where horses can run around.

Star was beside her mum and Diamond was pushing Star to go I can see that Bennett was trying to reach Star but Diamond stood in a defense way.

“Is this ok sweetie?” Mary asked

“No but I can go from here thanks for your help”

“Are you sure?”


she nodded and walked away I slowly walked towards the railing (if that’s what you even call it) and when I reached there I leaned on the railing.

“What are you doing here? You should be resting”

He walked towards me.

“I’m fine Bennett how’s Star doing?”

“As you can see she won’t even let me near her which is weird cause I had Diamond for few years now”

“Can I try?”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure”

He nodded and helped me inside locking the door behind us so the horses won’t go out I slowly walked towards Diamond and Star and I brushed their heads with my hands.

He explained to me what to do and soon Star was walking in front of me I smiled and kept doing what I was doing.

“Good girl”

After a little while she started walking around me be herself and I started laughing cause I’m not sure if it’s only me but she had that look on her eyes that just reminded of a Animation I watched

I soon heard claps and cheers when I looked around I saw all the men and the won who worked in the farm looking at me and cheering my face turned to a red tomato.

I watched as Star started to walk towards her mum and she cuddled against her I mentally awed.

“You did good even for a girl who’s scared of horses”

I jumped a little and looked back.

“you need to stop scaring me Bennett or else I’m going to end up with a heart attack”

“I’m sorry about yesterday”

“It’s fine really come on let’s get them inside”

he nodded and he took Diamond while i walked to Star.

“Come on girl”.

She came behind me and we walked them to the barn everyone else went back to do there work.

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