Chapter 4

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"Miss! Wake up! You need to wake up miss!" A voice kept saying. I slowly opened my eyes to see the most handsome man I have ever met. I thought Conner was hot. But no, this guy is smoking.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"My name is Bennett, Miss, are you OK? You hit your head really hard." I looked at my surroundings and noticed I am back in that dream. I was wearing some kind of dress that was too big to be honest.

"What year are we in?"

"1876 Miss. Don't you remember?" Oh my gosh. This can't be happening to me. That means I am about 137 years back in time!

"What's my name?" Please be the same.

"Abigail Lucy Ford."

"Where am I?"

"The doctors’ office."

"Don't take this wrong, but who are you again?"

" I am a ranch hand miss. My name is Bennett Wright, I have been working for your family for about one month and a half."

"Oh when can I leave?"

"As soon as the doctor gives you the medicine for your head." I lean back on the uncomfortable bed and wait.

"Hey Bennett?"

"Yes Miss?"

"Thank you."

"It's no problem Miss"

"Please just call me Abby"

“OK Abby"

We waited for about 20 minutes until the so called “doctor” came by. "I’m sorry to keep you waiting Miss. I had a  few other people to look after"

"Doctor, she wants to leave." Bennett said.

"Of course Bennett. Here, mix this powder with a tall glass of water and give it to her. It will make her fall asleep, but it would heal her head." The doctor then left.

"May I pick you up, Abigail?"

"I can walk, but thank you." I put my legs on the floor and stood up. I stood too fast and I started to feel a little dizzy. I  was about to drop and I waited for the hit but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw Bennett holding me.

" I got you Abby." He smiled and placed his right hand under my knees and his left supported my back. I placed my hands around his neck and my head rested on his shoulder. I slowly fell asleep.

I felt myself being placed on something soft. I slowly opened my eyes to see Bennett talking to the same lady from the first time I woke up in this weird world.

I closed my eyes and that's when I heard that old lady's voice.

"I will give you one more chance to say goodbye to your father. Then you are going to be stuck in this year. You have one night." I quickly opened my eyes to see that Bennett is walking towards me with a big cup of water.

"How are you feeling Abigail?"

"Like I am living some in sort of nightmare Bennett."

He laughed.

"You will be fine after you take your medicine.” He handed me the cup of water. I looked at it. Should I take it? I am not one for medicine.

"Go on Lucy, it's not that bad."

I closed my eyes and drank the whole thing. It actually didn't taste that bad. I started to feel light headed. Bennett stood and started walking towards the door.

"Don't go please. You are the only one I trust to stay and watch me."

"I will be back. I need to watch over the horses. One is pregnant. But I will be back as soon as I can.


"I promise Lucy, now stop fighting the medicine." I did as he said and relaxed. Soon, the sleep took over.

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