Chapter 11

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"Thank you Bennett." 

"Don't thank me, I'm just saying the truth." I blushed and turned around quickly so he wouldn't see my face. I watched as Star tried to get closer to her mum 

"What happened yesterday?" I asked and Bennett sighed. 

"You fell asleep and I took you to your bedroom. I left the room so that Mary could change your clothes then came back and tucked you in bed." My blush deepened at this. 

"Thank you, I'm sorry for falling asleep, I guess I was tired." 

"Hey hey don't be sorry ok, it was fine." I smiled at him 

"I have to go check and see if their done with breakfast. I'll see you inside." He nodded before walking inside to check on Diamond and Star. 

(In the kitchen) 

"How was your walk?" Mary asked once I walked through the kitchen doors. 

"It was refreshing." The girls giggled at this. I decided to ignore them and went to check on the boiling eggs instead. I dried them off and placed them on a plate. We took the plates to the table and started to organise everything and when we finished I went out to ring the bell to announce to everyone that it was time for breakfast. 

(Half way through breakfast) 

While we were eating someone started to ring the bell urgently. 

"I will get it." I stood up from the my chair and walked over to the door and opened it. Standing there was a little boy, 

"Please please can you help my dad?" The boy started to say in a panic 

"Hey it's ok. Where is your father?" 

"Follow me, I'll take you to him." He said then started running. I ran after him and I hoped that whatever happened I can deal with.

We ran for quite some distance, until I saw two figures on the floor. As we got closer I could see a man with his head on a lady's lap and she was crying. 

"Alexander you came with help, thank the Lord. Please help my husband!" The mans shirt was stained red with what seemed like blood 

"What happened to him?" She looked at me through her teary eyes 

"A drunken man pointed a gun at me and Noah, my husband, stood in front of it and took the bullet for me." She said. 

"May I see your husband's wound?" 

"Yes yes please." I crouched down and slowly opened Noah's shirt. I might not be a doctor but staying in the hospital all those years with my mum gave me some training. 

As I looked at the wound I could see that the bullet was close to the surface and he wasn't bleeding to strongly so I knew the bullet hadn't hit any organs. 

"Abigail what are you doing? Why did you run away like that?" I looked back and saw Bennett. 

"Bennett you came just in time. Help me carry Noah home, we need to get the bullet out before he gets infected. 

Alexander, I need you to run back to the house and ask for Mary. Tell her Abigail sent you, I need her to heat some water and get one of the closest rooms to the door ready so that Bennett and I can bring your father who is hurt. Now run go." 

He nodded and ran really quickly. "Come on Bennett help me." 

"Who is he?" 

"Does that matter, right now he has a bullet in him and we need to take it out as soon as possible." 

(When they finally got to the house)

When we got to the house we put him in the guest room that Mary had prepared and everyone left the room except for his wife, Mary, Bennett and I. We made Alexander go outside with Gail to eat breakfast. 

"What's your name ma'am?" 

"Ruby, miss." 

"Okay Ruby I need you to talk to Noah, try to take his mind of the pain from the bullet so that I can help him. Can you do that for me?" 

"Yes I think I can do that." She walked towards her husband and sat on the edge of his bed and started talking to him. 

"Can you get me a towel Mary?" 

"Sure thing Hun, I'll be right back." She ran out the room and a few minutes later she came back with towels. 

"Bennett I need you to sit next to Noah and hold him down. However be careful not to press on the wound." 

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?" 

"I think so." 

"Think so?" 

"Do you have any better ideas? Yeah I didn't think so." Bennett went and sat beside Noah 

"Mary do you think you can find me some tweezers? Please put them in  boiling water for a minute till they warm up." She nodded and left the room. I dipped a part of the towel in the hot water and walked to Noah. 

I looked at Ruby and she nodded. She held his hand and started to talk to him even more. I looked at Bennett he nodded and stood up to hold Noah by his shoulders. I opened his shirt slowly and took the towel and slowly cleaned the blood. He would hiss every now and then but other than that he was quiet. When I was done cleaning the wound Mary came back with the twizzers that I asked her for. I held the twizzers firmly and slowly put it in the wound. I was half way through when Noah started to scream in agony. 

"You need hold him down Bennett, if he moves more I might damage something. Hey Noah tell me about the first time you saw Alexander." He ever so slowly stopped thrashing in pain.

"H-he was prefect, I couldn't ask for a better child. He had his mum's face......." As he kept talking, I again tried to take the bullet out. 

"Mary could you please tell someone to send for a doctor?" 

"I already did sweet heart." I finally reached the bullet and was able to take it out. Mary gave me another towel that was soaked with water. I cleaned the wound again and got a cotton cloth to covered it. After covering it I tied the ends and I removed the rest of his shirt to help him into a new one 

"You did good Noah, I'm all done now. The doctor will be here in a little bit to check on you and to see the wound so get some rest."

"Thank you for helping my husband but we don't have any money to pay you." 

"I didn't ask for any money Ruby. You can stay here for as long as you need and when Noah has his health back he can work and earn his keep." 

"Thank you Abigail, thank you so much. You're a great women and we're lucky Alec found you." 

"It's no trouble at all. Come Mary, Bennett lets let them rest. I will send Alexander to you right away and Ruby I will make sure to get you some clothes." We left the room and went to the kitchen where Alexander saw us.

"Will my dad be ok?" 

"He will be just fine Alexander all thanks to you. Here take this food and go see them." I told him and he hugged me. 

"Thank you, thank you." He repeated that with tears in his eyes. He took the plate and Mary went with him to show him where the room was.

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