Chapter 22

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Started drawing on paper my next design when suddenly there was a knock I dropped the pen then went to open the door it was Alex.

“Abby Lunch is ready” he said

“I’ll be right down Alex”

He nodded then run downstairs I fixed my hair then looked at my outfit, thinking now I’m actually really hungry.
I put on a smile then went downstairs all the men started coming in to sit on the table there was a really nice smell I went into the kitchen I saw all the girls working on putting everything on plates or taking things out I decided I would help around so I took two plates from the counter then went to the dining table and set them down I did that couple more times until there was nothing left.

I wanted to talk to Mary so I walked to her and asked her if any of the men can build me the closet and she said she would ask Dan I nodded then left to the table with Mary behind me.
Everyone looked back at me when I entered the room I guess they didn’t expect me since they haven’t seen me since the BBQ.

Mary cleared her throat and everyone looked back I sat down and everyone started eating I noticed that Bennett wasn’t with us I took a plate and filled it with everything and looked for Adam he was sitting beside Gail I made a mental note to talk to her later.


“Yes Miss Ford”

“It’s Abigail and can you make sure that Mr. Bennett gets this”

He looked towards the plate.

“Of course Miss I will take it right now”

I nodded and ate my Chicken with pea’s and potato Mary out did herself this time.
I finished my plate and stood up and took my plate to the kitchen I quickly cleaned it and put it on the drying rack.

Going upstairs to my room and laid down for some reason I had this feeling to go to the workshop I stood up and walked to it entering it I saw something on my desk walking to it I couldn’t believe my eyes.

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