Chapter 25

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Hey everyone i can't Believe Time Machine hit 1000 let alone 1115 omg I'm so proud of my fan's thanks a lot please don't forget to go back and check if u voted ok that would mean a lot to me.

another update soon


After an hour from the sun rise we both went on our way I went to take a shower and change my cloths and Bennett probably went to check on the horses.

After my shower I changed into some trousers and a tee that I both made.

I went into my workshop and started on working on a long dress I had some red silk fabric and I quickly worked on making a dress that was a simple but classic Bennett didn’t really tell me anything so then I decided to leave the red dress and just make a lilac short dress I mean I don’t know where were going so better be safe than sorry.

About an hour and a half Gail came by to tell me that there going to start making breakfast in few minutes I nodded and went downstairs to make a cake I heard that Bennett was the most person who really enjoyed it so I guess why not.

After about an hour of making the cake and baking everyone was almost done I decided to design the cake so I started make little roses on top and swirled the sides.

The men started coming in  I carried the cake and helped the other girls carry stuff to the table I was the last one to leave the kitchen and I saw everyone was sitting and just having a chat.

“I’m sorry I’m late I had some chores that needed to be done”

I heard a voice say from the back when we all looked back we saw Bennett he had on a clean white shirt on and some pants.

He sat in his seat which is beside me and smiled at me then winked Gail past me the knife and I started cutting it before giving everyone a slice.

Bennett kept making me laugh though out the meal and it was kind of embarrassing because my laugh is kind of loud.

I also noticed that Gail was sitting beside Adam and they both looked like they’re enjoying themselves .

After finished breakfast the men helped with carrying the dishes into the kitchen and the girl’s divided themselves into groups those who will clean the house and those who will clean the kitchen and also make a list of things to get from town so we can cook Lunch.

Around one O’clock the men prepared the buggy for  Mary, Gail and Adam to go into town.

I asked them to get me something’s I had to finish making the dress Bennett said he was taking me out at around 7.

*Knock knock*

“Come in”

“Hey Abby it’s me Gail want to chat I done my chores and I have nothing to do maybe you could teach me how to make a pretty dress or a bag what do you think?”

“I would be honored”

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