Chapter 14

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We had finished making dinner and we also finished stacking the food when everything was set in the table we started eating we talked about a lot of stuff Raven then got a call from her parents saying she needed to get back so we got her some food to take back to her parents.

"I'm going to head to bed Hun ok what are you going to do?" "I'm going for a walk daddy Good night" he nodded kissed my forehead and walked upstairs I changed into some sweat pants and jumper over my tee that says Dude my eyes are up there ^. I wore some snickers that I bought few years ago that surprisingly still fit me they were black with pink dots all over it.

I walked out the house and started to walk I really did miss mum she was my everything she was a really good person inside and out she did charity's give away our cloths to the poor but most importantly I miss her going out with her having our "girls talk" when ever I need advice she was always there I sat on a bench and kept thinking of mum she was honestly the best mum there is out there.

"Are you ok miss?'' I looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes "yes I'm thanks'' "may I ask why are you crying?" I touched my face and he was right I was crying "I didn't notice I was crying im sorry" "oh no don't apologise here dry your tears with my napkin" he handed me a napkin from his jacket, he sat beside me and we sat in silence for few minutes I didn't know what to really say so I just talked what's on my mind to a complete stranger "my mum died the same day as this a couple years ago" I said out in a low voice "I'm sorry for your lost" "thanks" "my name is Bennett but my friends call me Ben" "I'm Abigail but everyone calls me Abby".

(This is where the story gets kinda complicated you will understand as you read the chapters).

"Your not from around here Ben right? Because I haven't seen you around before" "no actually live at the town next to this one" "may I ask why are you here?" "Well you see I was visiting my friends who live in this town and each night I walk around i guess force of habit anyway I was about to wall back when I heard you cry so I came to check on ya" "thanks that was sweet of you, if u need to go back you can go I don't want to cause trouble" "no trouble at all plus am pretty sure no one noticed am gone".

We chatted until I started to feel sleepy and when I looked at the time I was shocked it was 5AM in the morning "the sun rise is in a few minutes" "I can't believe we spent five hours chatting" "well time flys when your having fun oh look the sun is rising" I looked up and the scene is beautiful "I better go inside and get some sleep" "ya I think I should go too do u want me to walk you home?" "Sure it's not far from here" we started walking in silence and soon enough we reached home I took off his jacket that he gave me "here" "keep it, it looks better on you anyways" "thanks for walking me home and for the jacket" "no problem I hope you feel better" "thanks for everything see ya around".

I went to my room to change into some shorts and v-neck and went to sleep.


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE I wanted to updated and say everyone happy new year i love you thanks for all the support next update I need 15 votes and 5 comments

PS: the story is being edited

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