Chapter 10

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Afterwards the girls started on the dishes. I walked to my bedroom to get a cardigan because I wanted to take a walk outside. I wore it and went outside and sat beside the lake. It was a little cold but I loved this type of weather. I placed my back on the grass and looked at the sky, "A penny for your thoughts?" I giggled 

"Is that all you got Bennett?" I teased.

 "Hey, you can't answer a question with another question." 

"Says who?" 

"Says me." I laughed again but this time I saw Bennett holding something in his hands 

"I got you this," he handed me what seemed like a blanket "it's going to get colder " 

"Thank you Bennett," I wrapped it around my body "what about you?" I asked 

"I like the cold weather" 

"Nonsense, you're going to get sick. Here share with me, the blanket is large enough for both of us." He looked at me, uncertain but when I opened the blanket he came closer to me with our sides hugging. 

We sat in the quit for few minutes until he said, "You really looked beautiful in the dress and Mary was right you do have a talent for it." 

"Thank you Bennett." I smiled and we sat there looking at the moon and lake. I felt really tired so I laid my head on Bennett's shoulder and closed my eyes. 

"Goodnight sweetheart." I faintly heard his voice say. 

(In the morning)

I opened my eyes to see the brown ceiling of my room, memories from last night came back to me. I looked around and was really confused as to how i got back to my room. 

I heard a knock on the door, "Abigail are you awake?" 

"Yes, come I am awake" Gail opened the door 

"Good morning Abigail. Should I  draw you a bath?" She asked 

I nodded and she left. I got out of my bed and went to my wardrobe. I got out the trousers that I made yesterday. They were black and a blouse that had flower designs on it. I went to the bathroom I put my clothes on a chair. After Gail put the water for my bath she left the room. I had a quick bath and wore my clothes. I brushed my hair into a ponytail.

I walked downstairs to see Mary making oatmeal and Gail frying some eggs. 

"Good morning ladies." I said and they all smiled 

"Don't you look lovely today Abigail." 

"Thank you." 

I helped set the table."Go have a walk before breakfast." Mary suggested, I smiled and nodded. I was walking around the farm when I thought of visiting Diamond and Star. 

I walked to the barn and went to the back to see Diamond and Star cuddled together. 

"Good morning Abigail." I turned around quickly 

"You scared me Bennett." Bennett looked guilty 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it" 

"It's fine" 


"You look beautiful" He said causing me to blush.

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