Chapter 9

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When I was done brushing star Mary came by to tell us that she's ready to go. Bennett said he would get the horse buggy ready. I had no idea what that was so I stayed with Star and Diamond. Mary brought a few carrots for them and while i was feeding Diamond Bennett told me I shouldn't give Star any since she's only suppose to be drinking her mother's milk. 

"Are you ready Abigail?" I looked back and saw Bennett

"Yes I'm ready." I stood up and dusted my dress he helped me out the barn. 

We walked to the front of the house and standing there was a horse carrying a buggy. I stopped and looked at it. 

"Are you ok Lucy?" Bennett asked

"There is no way you expect me to get on that thing." 

"It's safe don't worry." 

"No no I'm not going on that thing." 

"Abigail it's the only way we can get into town, trust me" I looked at the buggy and then Bennett. He had his hand reached out and Mary was sitting in the buggy, "I won't let anything happen to you" I nodded and slowly walked to the buggy. Bennett helped me up and then sat down in the front while me and Mary sat in the back. 

(Half an hour later, In town)

Bennett stopped the buggy and went down to help he Mary and I down. It was the most horrible ride I've ever had, I'm going to get everything I need so I won't have to go back. 

Bennett tide the horse and said he would go into the blacksmith's store to get the things he needs. Mary and I walked through town, it was very busy. We went into the first store and got the food we needed, then Mary began to talk to strangers who were standing outside the shops. I think they might have been the owners.

"Mary is there someplace where I can get some fabric?" I asked

"Yes dear it's around the corner. We can go and buy the fabric, then we'll buy the rest of the things we need and then we can go home. How does that sound?" 

"It sounds great." I smiled and we went into the rest of the stores. 

We spent about two hours in town and at the end we had a lot of bags. We went inside the fabric store and I bought everything that I liked. The owner of the shop was quite happy and we had to rent another buggy to get everything home. 

I was still really afraid when we had to ride the buggy again but I knew that it was the only way back to the farm.

(At the house) 

A few of the men and the girls came out to help us unload our bags. The girls cared my stuff to the empty room across the hall from mine. 

The men cared the rest of the bags to everything they should go. I went upstairs to my room and got changed into a lighter dress that was my favourite so far. 

I went into the room that had my stuff and started to organise everything. After I organised the fabrics I was feeling bored so I started sewing the clothes I wanted to make. I started with a light type of fabric and I placed it on an empty table and sketched the design on it. I began to cut the different pieces and brought the needle and started working around them. 


(After about 3 hours)


There was a knock on the door, "Come in." The door slowly opened and Mary walked in.

"Hello dear, dinner is ready. Would you like to eat with us or do you want me to being it up?"

"Dinner? What time is it?" I asked

"It's about 9. You have been in here for three hours."

"Oh I will be down in few minutes." 

"Okay." she closed the door and I looked at my creation. I made a simple white dress that had a bow on the side, it was light pink. I also made a skirt with a blouse to match and trousers. 

I went into my bedroom and changed into the white dress I made. The hem of the dress is under the knee by an inch or two. However people here wear dresses that are floor length or a little longer so I wonder what they would think of me.

I brushed my hair and put it in a side braid and went downstairs. When I walked in everyone stopped eating and looked at me. I felt awkward and self conscious. 

"I'm sorry that I am late, I was so concentrated on my work that I lost track of the time." Even after I went to my seat everyone still kept looking at me while Mary and the girls gave me big smiles.

"You look beautiful Abigail. Where did you buy your dress?" Gail asked. 

"Actually I made it myself today and thank you." She smiled and started eating her mash potato. 


"You have a talent my dear." Mary said. I smiled and dug into my mashed potato.

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