I miss you, part 2

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Callie's POV
"Picture her body on the end of the stairs!" Amelia says.
It's our third session in a week and I'm doing progress. Last night I only had one nightmare. Arizona doesn't let me sleep on the couch so I take the bed and she sleeps at the hospital.
I'm laying on a gurney in a room full of screens and Amelia is behind the computer.
"I see her!" I tell her with my eyes closed.
"Ok walk to her!"
"I am"
"Are you seeing her body?" Amelia asks.
"I am.. Amy I don't like this!"
"Sh.. Keep going! Turn her body so her face is facing you!"
"I did!"
"Ok now picture her saying "I'm fine I just missed a step. I'm ok!""
I closed my eyes harder and I picture want Amy said.
"Ok now repeat that image in your head!"
I do it! I hear Arizona say "I'm fine" about six times in my head and then I stand up!
"Great! You're making serious progress! No brain movement! Three more times like this and you're ready to go!" Amy says!
"Can I do it tonight? The three times?" I ask her.
"Callie don't push it! I know you miss her but remember it's for yours and hers own good." Amelia says as we walk out.
I nod and Amelia and I walk separate ways.
I get into an empty patients room and cry.
I can't do this anymore! I miss Arizona so much! We haven't talked in a week. We text sometimes but nothing special. Amelia said it would be better for my recovery if we didn't talk or at least I didn't hear her voice. When I see her in the hospital and we cross look I beg her with my eyes and she begs me with hers but none of us makes a move because we know we wouldn't be able to stop. I cry myself to sleep everyday.
I cry more and more and suddenly I hear the door open and see her beautiful blue eyes looking at me surprised.
I look at her and I cry again.
She comes and sits next to me on the couch on my left side. When our body's touch I cry harder for missing her touch so much.
I feel her rub my back and I lean against the couch.
Arizona offers me her right hand and I take it, placing in between my hands. Arizona looks at me and I lean in to kiss her.
Arizona pulls back and opens her mouth to say something but then she remembered we couldn't talk.
Arizona nodded her head no and I begged her thro my eyes. She rested her head in my left shoulder and we stayed like that for an hour. It wasn't ever near enough what I needed her but at least she was with me. I kissed her head and I stared at the wall in front of me as Arizona did the same laying on my shoulder.

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