But I like the girl who has the sandwiches

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Callie's POV
I feel Arizona move in my arms and that wakes me up.
"Hey!" I say as Arizona turns to face me.
"Morning!" She says leaning and giving me a peck on the lips.
"Morning!" I say pulling her close.
Arizona closes her eyes and I kiss her forehead.
"Don't get to comfortable, it's almost time to get up.."
"I know.. Shush! Let me enjoy the last seconds!"
"Thank God Barbara is here cause other wise we would have to hurry to get Sofia ready..."
"I know.. We should keep my mom around for a little longer, it comes very handy for some alone time.." Arizona says intertwining our legs and climbing on top of me before kissing my lips.
"I know.. Very handy!" I say as I grab her and turn our positions, making Arizona laugh.
"Sh... You're going to make.."
"Mommy!!!!" Sofia says and opens the door.
"That.." I say climbing of of her and falling to my back.
"Sorry..." Arizona whispers in my ear before leaving a kiss on my cheek.
I get up and pick up Sofia.
"Morning baby! Let's get you dressed!"
I walk to her room and make her bed as Sofia insists on picking her clothes.
"Good morning Callie!" Barbara says coming behind me.
I give her a kiss.
"Good morning!"
"Oh, let me help her dear! You go get ready! Breakfast is almost ready!" Barbara says walking to Sofia.
"Thank you! We'll be right down!" I say walking out of the room and into mine and Arizona's and closing the door.
"You're mom is making breakfast.." I tell Arizona.
"I know.. Isn't she wonderful?" Arizona asks walking towards me already dressed.
"Yes! I can see who you got it from.."
"Oh..." Arizona smiles before kissing me. "I should make her stay more often, cause that brings the nice Callie out!" She says peeking my lips again and walking back to the bathroom.
"What do you mean? I'm always nice..."
"At least to you, to you I'm always nice..."
"When you're nice to me I'm nice..."
"You want to talk about when you have you're period?"
"Well when you have yours, you're not very nice either.." I finish making the bed an go get dressed.
"I am a lot nicer then you.."
"You don't let me touch you, that's not very nice..."
"Because I feel disgusting.." Arizona says locking eyes with me in the mirror as I come into the bathroom to get my make up on.
Arizona slides to the side to give me room.
"You're never disgusting!" I tell her.
"I am, and we're changing the subject.."
"No! Not fair! Because I let you touch me when I have mine, no fair I can't touch you.."
"You let me touch you, waist up, not much more then what you get!"
"Hey! Much more! I think we should have even terms so now on, ifI can't touch, you can't touch!" I say.
"Hey! No fair!" Arizona says putting her brush down.
"Cause you're way more hot then I am. Not being able to touch you is a sin!" Arizona says wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head on my shoulder as I finish putting my eyeliner.
"You can touch! We can hold hands and kiss..." I mock her.
"Yey! We're dating again!" Arizona mocks me and we both laugh.
"Ok! Let's have it this way, no touching waist down BESIDES in the shower.." Arizona suggests.
"Fine! But there's going to be a lot of showers happening then!" I say finishing my make up and turning myself.
"I don't oppose to that!" Arizona says raising her hands in defense.
"I'm gonna kiss you!"
"You better!"
And I kiss her. I pull her close and continue the kiss. Licking her bottom lip, asking for entrance, which Arizona gladly gives me.
"You look very hot!" I say as we walk out of the bathroom a few mines latter.
"Thank you! It's all for you baby!" Arizona says looking at me and I smile to her.
She looks me up and down.
"You're smoking hot too babe!"
I swing my hips to tease her.
"I really am!"
Before Arizona can make a move I step in front of her and run downstairs.
"You're paying for that latter Torres!" Arizona screams coming down the stairs.
"It better be with" and I mouth sex.
"You have no idea.." Arizona says raising her eyebrows.
I wait for her to catch up with me and she gives me a kiss on the neck. I grab her head.
"Just not to keep you dry.." Arizona says.
"You started, you better finish me Robbins.." I whisper.
"Oh I'm going to finish you, just not till tonight.." Arizona says turning and giving me a wink. I smile and we walk into the kitchen.

Arizona's POV
"Morning mom!" I say and go give my mom a kiss.
"Morning baby!" I say picking Sofia up from her chair and kissing her as I rest her on my lap.
"Hey! I just put her in there!" Mom says coming to put a plate on the chair's tray.
"Don't bother Barbara, she's not listening.." Callie says bringing me a plate and sitting down at the dinner table
"She must certainly not have came out of me!"
"Oh I definitely did mom!" I say putting Sofia down and sitting down.
"Thank you!" I tell Callie before starting to eat.

Callie's POV
At lunch time I get a text from Arizona.
A - "I don't have time for lunch, only have 5 minutes between surgeries.."
C - "It's ok! I'll bring lunch to you!"
A - "Don't bother! I don't have time to eat, I just want to see you.."
C - "At least let me bring you sandwiches, what time is your lunch break?"
A - "1.30 pm.."
C - "I'll be there! Love you 😘"
A - "Thank you! Love you too, so much ❤️👭"

I go to the cafeteria and grab two sandwiches and two juices and bring them to the OR floor.
I get into a closet and Arizona is already in there, looking into a chart.

Arizona's POV
"Hey!" I say looking up from my chart.
"Hey there pretty woman!" Callie says kissing me and taking a seat across me.
She hands me a sandwich and a pack of juice and I take a bite of the sandwich.
"Hm.. I was so hungry!" Callie says taking a bite of her sandwich.
"Hmhm..." I say mouth full.
Callie looks at me and her eyes fall.
"What?" I ask her leaning down to grab her free hand.
"You don't even like sandwiches..." Callie says looking at the floor.
I smile and bring her chin up for her eyes to meet mine.
"But I like the girl who has the sandwiches.." I tell her.
Callie looks at me an then to the sandwich.
"You know what? I don't like sandwiches either, I like pizza.." Callie says.
I smile again.
"Ok so next time, when it's my turn to come meet you, I'll bring pizza ok?" I ask her. Callie smiles and I lean in and kiss her.
"How about we have pizza tonight?" I ask her.
"I'll let you eat it in bed with me.." With that Callie's eyes light up.
"Really?" Callie asks.
"Yes! If, you clean up after.." I tell her.
"I will! Thank you!" Callie says leaning in.
"You're welcome!" I kiss her.
"I love you you know?" Callie asks.
"I have a clue.."
"Really? Cause I don't thing you do.." Callie says leaning forward making me fall backwards.
My pager rings and I pull back to look at it.
"I have to go.."
"Ok! Come to get me when you're done?" Callie asks getting up.
"Yup! I'll wait for you and we can go pick Sofia up together!"
"Sound good!" Callie says opening the door for me.
"Perfect!" I stop and turn to give her a kiss before walking into the OR, not forgetting to look back to blow her a kiss before getting in and Callie goes back to the elevator to go up to ortho.

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