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Arizona's POV
I hear a bang. I feel a hand on my arm pulling me back. I fall backwards and the only thing I see is a bag being pulled over my head. Oh no.

Callie's POV
(Ten hours later)
As I pick my phone up my eyes open wide.
24 missed calls.
14 messages.
9 voice mails.
"Callie where are you?" I hear Bailey shout on the other side of the phone.
"What do you mean? I was operating..." I answer her.
"Your name wasn't on the board what were you.."
"I know, I was paged. What the hell happened Miranda?" I ask her. For some reason everyone around me seems to be moving a little faster and anxious as I leave the scrubbing room.
"It's Arizona. Arizona has been taken"
"WHAT? WHAT? What do you mean she's been taken? Where is she?" I ask starting to run to the elevators.
"We don't know. The security of the hospital watched it on cameras and I just heard about it..."
"What do you mean? How long ago was this?" I asked her.
"Um... I... It was... Callie... Um... It was 10 hours ago..."
"WHAT?" I scream again. "10 hours? My wife has been taken from the hospital 10 hours ago and I only hear about now? Why didn't any wine tell me this? April new I was in here..."
"That's the thing.. April has been taken as well. We're in the lobby..." Bailey says.

3:34 am (20 hours since the kidnaped)
I've looked through the security footage at least 50 times, it's always the same. Arizona walking, a man comes from behind her, pulls her back, she screams, he puts a bag on her head and pulls her out of sight. Damn it.
And it would help if Aprils footage was any better but it isn't and Jackson is as freaked out as I am.
"Tea?" Amelia asks as she comes into the conference room.
Jackson and I both look up.
"I thought about bringing coffee but at this hour coffee shouldn't do you any better.." Amy said coming to stand by us.
"Thanks Amelia!" I say as I take my cup of tea from her hand.
"Any luck?" She asks.
"No! If the police didn't see anything I wasn't expecting us to be able to but, I was hoping for a look or a word, she could've said anything. Arizona comes from a military family, if she had known the killer she would've made it clear someway.. I'm going crazy here.." I confess.
Jackson pulls his chair back and it bangs against the wall "you and me both" he says.
He's been so quite the hole time, I've freaked out at least four times but Jackson, he's made a few calls and watched the video over and over again and April's video is even worst. The cameras barely caught it.
I look at the picture of Arizona on my phone and a tear falls from my eye.
I wonder where you are, and I wonder what you do.. Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you? Tell how to find your heart cause I haven't got a clue oh how I wish I could've told you, I love you...
"Maybe they are together?" I ask looking at Jackson. Amelia follows my gaze.
"Yeah. Probably!"
"At least they aren't alone..." I say. It only takes Jackson to look at me and I burst out into tears. Jackson gets up and holds me in his arms before pulling both of us to his chair and sitting me in his lap. By holding me as I cry he's wishing I was April and I'm wishing he was Arizona, comforting me, waking me up and whispering "it was only a bad dream" in my ear. But it's not. I'm not April and Jackson isn't Arizona and we both realize that when a phone starts to ring.
We both look up and Amelia grabs my phone. "It's an unknown ID.." she says.
Jackson gets up and answers it before putting it on speaker.
"Miss Torres?" A voice asks.
"No this is Jackson Avery!" "But Torres is here too" I add
"Oh Mr.Avery, Miss.Torres what a coincidence. This is even better, now I can deliver the news to you both."
"What news?" Jackson asks. By the sound of his voice I can tell they aren't good.
"By now I can presume you've notice that you're wives are missing... Well, here they are.." he says.
"Callie!" "Jackson!" We hear Arizona and April scream. "Callie come get me please, please Calliope. Callie you have to find me. Please come get me" Arizona's voice is broken and sounds hurt.
"Jackson? Jackson he took us. You have to find us. He's bad Jackson, like really bad!" April screams at the same time as April.
"Shut up!" He says and we hear two slaps being giver.
"You son of a! You keep your hand off my wife!" I yell to the phone.
"Wouldn't you like that Dr. Torres?" He asks.
"What do you want?" Jackson asks. "Do you want money cause we have loads, how much do you want? Just say a number we'll give it to you!"
"Oh Dr.Avery you don't seem to be remembering me.. And I don't want your money..."
"What do you want then?" I ask to the phone.
"Pain. I'm August Lane. You two killed my wife remember. She had an accident and you took her to surgery. You took her and she never came back. That's what I want. I want revenge and I'm getting it. I already took your wives and now I'm going to make them suffer, I'm going to make them suffer and beg and cry and when I'm sick of it, I'll just kill them." There was a pause.
"Oh don't worry, I'll be sending pictures. Once a day to each of you, two if you're lucky and when the day comes. I'll give you a call and you can come get the bodies."
"You ******* you stay away from them you hear me? We're going to find you and when we do..." Jackson starts.
"Its will be too late.." before he hangs up he says.
"Say your last goodbye girls..."
"Calliope I love you!"
"I love you Jackson!" and then the line is dead before we can answer them.
Jackson punches the wall and I fall to my feet.
"They're going to die. They're going to die and we didn't have the change to say we love them back.." I cry.
Jackson pulls me up and shakes me.
"Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up. They're not going to die. We're going to find them, I just got to think of a way...

2 days later
Today's picture was the worst. Arizona was in her underwear, laying on the ground and her body was covered in bruises, especially her chest. There was blood coming from her mouth but the worst were her eyes. She had her eyes opened and they were looking at the camera in such a strong way that I wished they were closed. She was aware. She was living all of it. She knew what was happening to her. She was scared. Oh how I wish she was asleep, how I wish she could just fall asleep but for the look on her face she hasn't had any in days.

20 days later
They've been coming everyday and at least I now she's alive. Today he sent a video.
Arizona was sitting in a chair tied up and her head was tilted to the side.
"Hey!" He screams in the video. "Say hello to you're wife!" He says.
By this Arizona shoots her head up and looks at the camera. "Calliope?" She asks. Her voice is lower, she sounds tired and broken, like she's given up hope.
"Calliope?" She asks again.
"Oh Arizona.." I whisper.
"Calliope I'm alive. I'm alive Calliope.. I'm alive for you, for us! I won't give up Callie, I'll fight until the end for us. Please fight with me. You have to find me Callie, please my love, I believe you can find me. I know where I am. Look into your heart, I'm there. Just look real real deep my love on the shore, I'm right there by Tim..."
"That's enough he says." And the video ends.

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