Can someone tell the doctor to stay off?

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They all looked at Callie and laughed.
"I'm awake!" Arizona said lifting her arms for Callie to come hug her.
"I can see that! How are you feeling?" Callie asked coming closer.
"Really god! I'm all cured! And feeling very horny" she whispered in Callie's ear.
"Ok you're definitely still on the anesthesia effect." Callie said kissing her cheek and pulling away.
"Now seriously how is she?" She asked all the doctors.
"She fine" they all said.
"For good?" Callie asked.
"For good!" They all said in coir.
"Ok then thanks you very much but please leave so I can have my girlfriend just to myself" Callie shushed all the doctors away. They left laughing.

Callie's POV
"So I'm your girlfriend?" Arizona asked.
"Well.. Do you want to be?" I asked grabbing her hand.
"Yes! Yes!" She said pulling me for a kiss.
She started to play with her tong on my mouth.
"You are horny." I said not takin my lips from hers.
"You have no idea!" Arizona said and then fell on the pillow laughing.
"You are out of your mind woman" I said sitting down and kissing hand.

Two days passed.
"I want to go home Callie" Arizona asked almost begging.
"Oh sweetie you can't! You have to stay here for at least one more week, you know that!"
"Please Callie! Take me home! Take me home Callie! Please!" She started to cry!
"Ar.... Don't cry! Please don't cry!" Callie begged cleaning Arizona's tears of her face.
"Callie, please..." She begged.
"I can't, you can't go home. But here's what I can do! I can ask them to move you to the room on the end of the hall, I can go search for a king size bed where we put the overweight people so we can sleep in the same bed and I can bring your pillows and sheets from home.. I can ask for a key for the bedroom and I can bring pictures and some medicine magazines for you so we can make the room seem more like home what to you think?" Callie asked rubbing Arizona's cheeks with her right hand.
"You would do that? For me?" Arizona asked with her voice still shaky from crying.
"I would. Honey I'll do everything for you" Callie said putting their heads together.
"Thank you. For all you do for me. I do love you very much, you know that right?" Arizona said.
"I do! I love you too!" We kissed.
"Ok I'm going to go home now to get your stuff.."
"Our stuff.." Arizona corrected me, "you're staying here with me right?" She asked. "Or not. You're right! You should go to your home and sleep in your own bed." Arizona said.
"You crazy? I'm staying right here with you! I'm not leaving you! Ever!" I told her and kissed her lips.
"Ok! Got to go! I'll be right back in one hour!"
"Ok! See you!" I looked back to blow her a kiss and left.
I stopped by Sofia's daycare to give her a kiss and then went to my house.
I grabbed a suitcase and putt some clothes in there as well as my pillow and then left to Arizona's.
There I grabbed one of her suitcases and put some of her clothes and pajamas in there. Then some make up and bathroom products. At last I grabbed her pillow and some washed sheets and drove back to the hospital.
As I got there I went to Bailey office.
"Bailey, I need a favor!" I said coming in.
"What do you need?" She said. "And what's with the bags?"
"It's about the bags! I need the room on the end of the hall on the forth floor. Arizona is sick of being here and I want to make her staying here look like more home."
"Sure! It's yours! Whatever you want to do with it, do it!"
"I'm going to need a kingsize bed and the key to the room to!" I said.
"Get an intern to grab a kingsize from the room 9 in the first floor and for the key.." She laughed.
"Here it is" she said grabbing it from a drawer next to her desk. "But don't do any noises Callie and keep the binds closed. Sexual relationships aren't allowed here and if you want a key it's definitely for that. Just don't make any mistakes, I can't have anyone commenting."
"Ok!" I said grabbing the key from her and walking to her office door.
"Oh and Bailey?" I said turning around.
"Thank you!" I said. She nodded and I left.
As I passed thro Arizona'a bedroom I open her door.
"I'm here! I'm going to work on the bedroom! I'll be back!"
"Callie, come here!" She said.
I walked to her.
"Are you ok? Tell me what hurts?" I asked grabbing her arm.
She pulled me into a kiss.
"Thank you for everything you're doing for me" she said.
"You're welcome!" I kissed her again. "I love you!" I told her.
"I love you too!" She said.
"Ok, the sooner I go, the sooner we can be together in the same bed!" I winked at her. She smiled and grabbed my but as I was leaving. "Save it for latter baby!" I said looking at her! She smiled and shushed me.
I set the room all together and two hours later I was back to come get Arizona.
"Love?" I said opening the door.
"Baby?" She said coming from the bathroom hoping not to put her left foot on the ground.
"Here" I said coming to grab her by her waist.
"Thank you." She said. I kissed her neck.
"Let me get you a wheel chair so we can go to the new room."
"Hm?! It's ready?" She asked leaning her head on my shoulder.
"Yes! I can't wait for you to see it!"
"Ok, let's go see it! But no wheel chair."
"Ok! I'll take you there!"
"Let's go see it!" She said.
We walked to the room, well.. I walked. Ar hopped.
I opened the door.
"It's so pretty Callie!!"
"I tried for it to look as much as us as I could. I put some soft sheets, your pillow on the right side and mine on the left because that was how we used to sleep. Some pictures on the walls and ours clothes are in the closet
"It's perfect Callie! Thank you so much" she kissed me! I kissed her back. The kiss took so long she was about to lose strength on her legs from standing up.
"Let's get you to bed!" I said!

Arizona's POV
Callie took me to bed and then walked to the closet and back to bring me some confortable pjs.
"Thank you!" I said.
"You're very welcome" she said kissing me.
"I have to go check on some patients but I'll be back as soon as I can"
"Ok!" I said. She left and closed the door. I changed and threw the clothes on the couch. A minute later the door opened and Amy came in.
"Hey! This looks nice!" Amelia said coming over to me.
"Yes! Callie did all of this. It's so perfect!" I said.
She hugged me and kissed my head.
"It's very cute!" She said looking around. She noticed my clothes and picked them up.
"I couldn't get to the closet to hang them up.."
Amelia grabbed the clothes and hung them up. We talked for a while and then she left to get dinner. She came back with April and Karev. They all commented on the room as they came in and sat on the couch, Amelia on my bed and ate their dinner as I ate mine. We talked for at least four hours the four of us. It felt so good.

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