The shooting - I was terrified of losing her before she was even mine to lose

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Callie's POV
"What to you mean were trapped in here?" Arizona turns to me.
"The elevator is never coming. I bet the doors are looked. We don't know how many shooters there are..." I begin, then I stop to think about what to do.
"What?" Arizona says with a scarred face.
"I need to get you out of here!" I tell her looking around to see where we can exit.
"Come on!" I tell her. I push her close to me like I did before.
Arizona gets out of my arms.
"He's not on this floor! I can walk Callie!" She sounds a little mad.
"What?" I ask her as I run after her.
"You don't need to protect me! I'm not a kid!" Arizona says getting into a closet that has an exit on the other side.
"I know! But you're my life and I can't loose you!" I stop and look at the floor.
Arizona turns back to me and comes closer holding my hands.
"Nothing is going to happen to me, or to you! We're going to be fine! Let's just get out of here!" Arizona says and I nod.
We turn to the door on the other side of the closet and we're almost at the door when it opens.
Arizona and I both fall to the floor.
"Don't shoot! Please don't shoot!" Arizona says.
"What are you doing here?" Amelia asks.
"We're trying to leave that's what we're doing" I tell her as Arizona and I get up relieved.
"Leave? You can't leave. The hospital is on lock down. Nobody leaves, nobody enters so hiding in the closets is not going to help!" Amelia said.
"You're right! We need to figure out a way to get out!" Arizona says.
The three of us stare at each other waiting for someone to talk.
"What about the air vents?" Arizona says.
"We can't fit in those and we don't even know how to get in or out!" I tell her.
"No! You're right! It's a great idea! We have those in every corner so we can get in wherever we want and it has an exit near the ER so we just need to get in and walk inside until we reach the ER!" Amelia says. Arizona nods!
"Ok let's try it!" I say.
Arizona and Amelia nod and we walk to the door of the closet.
Amelia is the one closer to the door and before she opens it she looks back at me and Arizona. I nod and Amelia opens the door. She pocks her head out and looks around, then she leaves. Arizona and I do the same and walk to her. We walk side by side looking for and air vent exit. "There it is!" Arizona says and runs to it!
Amelia and I run behind her and Amelia leans down to try to open it. Surprisingly it's really easy.
"No! It's to far! We need to get into one closer to the exit otherwise we'll get lost inside!" Amelia says looking inside of it. "But good news is: we can totally fit inside it!"
"Ok so let's move before he comes back!" I tell them as I push them in front of me.
Arizona helps Amelia close the air vent exit and we walk slowly, trying not to make any noise, to the first floor.
When we pass the last corridor before the stairs we start seeing dead body's on the ground. Arizona puts her hand out looking for mine and I grab hers. Squeezing it tight!
Arizona gives her other hand to Amelia for comfort. We move closer to each other and we just keep walking without saying anything.
I notice Amelia starting to cry and see a tear down Arizona's face.
I squeeze Arizona's hand and Arizona does the same for Amelia. For now it's the only sign we can do to reassure each other.
We pass by a room and hear someone talking. As we get closer we notice it's Bailey.
"Bailey.." I say.
"We can't stop!" Amelia and Arizona both say. I look at them and nod. We continue our walk in silence. We get into the stairs and let go of our hands. This time I'm in front. We walk down leaning against the walls and I hear someone cry!
"April!" Arizona says and starts running.
"Sh!!!!" Amelia whispers loudly! "Are you trying to get us killed!" Amelia asks.
Amelia and I walk closer to them. April is sitting at the bottom of this floors stairs and Arizona is in front of her.
"He shot Jackson! He shot Jackson in front of me!" April said crying!
"What? Where is he?" I ask.
"I don't know!" April says.
"What to you mean you don't know?" Arizona asks her.
"Before he took the shot Jackson told me to run and after I heard the shot I looked back and saw him laying down. I waited for the shooter to walk away and when I was going to go back he was no longer there!" April said crying.
"We're going to leave thro the air vents, do you want to come with us?" Arizona suggested..
"No! I'm going to go back and look for him!" April said!
"You're crazy! You're coming with us!" I tell her.
"No! If it was you, you'd go back to get Arizona.." She says looking at me.
She has a point.
I nod her.
Arizona gives April a kiss on the head.
"Ok let's go!" Arizona says to me and Amelia.
We walk of and start running. We are so close to the ER.
As we make a turn I hear someone cry inside one of the closets. I recognize this cry. Meredith.
"Meredith!" I say walking in.
"Oh my God Callie!" She says coming to hug me. I hug her tight.
"Are you hurt?" I ask looking down on her.
"No!" Meredith tells me.
"Ok so let's go!" Amelia said behind us.
"Here are you going?" Meredith asks.
"We're leaving thro the air vents!" Arizona responds.
"You can't go all! It will only take 180 pounds.." Meredith said.
"How do you know that?" I ask her.
"My mom was still working here when they build it! I was little but I remember drawing on the papers that said that." Meredith clarifies.
I look back at Arizona and Amelia.
"You two should go! I'm the heaviest, you two together won't hit the 180 pounds!" I say looking at Arizona.
"Callie no!" Arizona comes walking closer to me.
"I won't leave you! If you're not going. I'm not going!" Arizona says.
"Ar..." I tell her.
"No!" She demands.
"Please! For me.." I ask her. "It's the best for both of us! If you go with Amelia you'll be safe and I being here alone have a better chance of surviving then with you. I can make my calls without having to worry about protecting anyone!" I tell her.
"Please go! I'll meet you outside!" I give her a kiss on the lips. Arizona kisses me back and I hold her closer to me.
"If anything I.."
"Don't! It's not a goodbye! I'll see you outside!" Arizona tells me and we let go!
Amelia walks to the door and Arizona walks behind her. They hold hands before leaving the closet. Amelia leaves first and before Arizona walks out she turns to me. I smile at her and she smiles back to me. Then she leaves.
When the door closes I turn around and fall to my knees crying.
"What Callie?" Meredith asks concerned, putting one hand on my should and kneeling down in front of me.
"The enters are all closed. There's no chance we can get out of here alive!"
"Yes there is! We can go the same way Amy and Arizona went." Meredith said.
"The vents are so loud that it's going to catch the shooters eye. He's going to come see what the noise was. We're not going to make it!" I tell Meredith! She pulls me up and hugs me tight. We hear Arizona and Amelia go down the air vent. It's so loud. Meredith and I hug each other closer. In this moment we both know we're going to dye.

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