Kiss me

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Arizona's POV
"Dinner?" - Arizona.
"Sure! Sofia?" - Calliope.
"Sure! Where?" - Arizona.
"You choose!" - Calliope.
"Lily's?" - Arizona.
"Sure! Meet you in the hobby at 7?" - Calliope.
"Yup! I'll get Sofia! Love you!" - Arizona.
"Looking forward to it! Love you too!" - Calliope.

I'm in the middle of post-ops when I notice a familiar curvy silhouette a couple meters away.
I place my arms around Callie's waist and press a simple kiss against her neck.
"Hey baby..." I say resting my head on her shoulder. Callie lays her hands on top of mine and turns her head to the side.
"Hey love.." She says before giving me a kiss on my head.
"What brings you too my floor?" I ask her.
"Your floor hum?" Callie asks turning in my arms.
"Well.. The hospital's floor but i run it so that makes it my floor.." I say and then smile my brightest smile to Callie.
"Well you see, I got the feeling my girlfriend would be here but I can't find her anywhere..." Callie teases me while grabbing my waist and pulling me to her before wrapping her arms around my waist.
"Is that so? Maybe I can help you find her. How does she look?" I tease her back.
"She's blond.. And sweet. She has this super magical smile that can cure any pain and she's so beautiful Arizona..." Callie says and smiles.
I pull Callie's neck down and give her a passionate kiss. Callie breaks the kiss and murmurs "recognize her?" against my lips, "hum hum" I murmur and we go back to kissing.
It's my turn to break the kiss and I ask her "now really, what brings you to peds?"
"I had 5 minutes and thought I'd stop by to come see my fiancé..." Callie whispers the fiancé part in my ear and it brings chills down my spine.
"Umm..." I moan. "Thank you!" I say before stealing another kiss.
"Any time baby!" Callie says and then her pager makes it self heard.
"I have to go! See you at seven?" Callie asks walking away.
"See you at seven!" I say. Then I mouth "kiss me" and it doesn't take Callie two seconds to read it from my lips and she runs back and grabs me and gives me a passionate kiss.
"Good enough?" Callie asks looking at me.
"Fiancé worthy but you should now Calliope that from you, nothing is even enough..." I say in a sexy voice.
"Um... You're so getting laid tonight a baby..." Callie says and I smile.
"Remember Calliope, I don't kiss on the first date..." I tell her and then turn my back on her and start to walk away.
"We'll see about that babe..."

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