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Arizona's POV
I wake up and look at the time on the tv, 2:00.
Everyone else is sleeping.
I reach for the tv remote on Meredith's lap and turn the tv off. I turn to my left and snuggle up to Callie putting my hands back around her waist and resting my head in her shoulder.

Callie's POV
My pager goes of. I grab it quickly and turn the sound of. I look around to see if anyone was awakened by the loud sound but no one moved. It was nothing urgent so I put the pager back down and turned back to my right and smile at the sight of Arizona sleeping. She looks so cute when she sleeps.
I kiss her head and pull her closer to me. I grab her legs and put them on my waist.
"What is it? Is it morning already?" Arizona says opening her eyes slowly.
"No! It's still early!" I say resting my body back on the couch.
"Good!" Arizona says and smiles when I pull her closer to me.
Arizona rests her head on my chest and I kiss her head.
"I love falling asleep like this" Arizona says half asleep.
"Me too love, me too!" I respond and I'm right behind her.

Arizona's POV
"Ar..." I hear someone whisper in my ear.
Who woke me up from this amazing sleep I was having?
I turn my face and see Amelia.
"What is it Amy?" I ask her still half asleep.
"It's 6 am, we need to get up.." She says rubbing my arm.
Daam it, I'm going to have to leave Callie's warm embrace..
"Ok! I'm up!" I say getting up quickly.
I kiss Callie softly. "Callie.. Sweetie, it's time to get up!" I say.
"No.." Callie responds only opening one eye and pulling me back to her lap.
"I know, I know.." I say and I give her a quick kiss on the cheek and get back up.
"But we need to get to the hospital!" I say picking up my clothes from the ground and walking to the bedroom.
Callie rests back on the couch.
"Callie let's goooo!" I say as I walk into Amelia's bedroom to change back to my yesterday's clothes.
I use Amelia's bathroom to take a shower and when I get back to the kitchen everyone else is ready too. I guess Callie changed in Meredith bedroom.
Meredith was cooking breakfast and Callie was setting up plates and cups for us on the counter as Amelia was putting her boots on.
"Amelia cheese?" Meredith asked.
Amelia nodded yes and I nodded no, I don't really like cheese on my eggs..
Callie sits down and Meredith sits beside her, then me, then Amy. We eat quickly and 10 minutes later we're in the car.

Callie's POV
Us four walked in and changed together and then went separate ways, Amelia going with Arizona.
My morning was calm, I only had 2 surgeries and nothing big. Arizona was in surgery at lunch time so I ate with Bailey and Owen.

Arizona's POV
It's 4 pm when I get out of surgery. That took all morning but was successful. I text Callie.
A - "I'm out of surgery, where are you? 👀❤️"
C - "In the 5th floor.. Have you eaten anything? ❤️😘"
A - "No.. I'm starving.. 😩🍔"
C - "I'm getting you something! Come see me! 🤗"
A - "Thanks! I'm on my way!"
C - "Room 524. 💖"
A - "💃🏻"
I go to the bathroom and splash some water on my face to wake me up and then I go meet Callie.
I walk to the room and walk in. Callie is sitting in the rooms couch.
"Hey!" I say and sit down at her left.
"Hey!" Callie says putting a hand on my leg.
That touch.. Callie's touch.. It made my day to have her by my side.
I hold her hand and then put my right hand on top of hers.
Callie grabs the fork with her right hand and takes a piece of the pasta from the Tupperware she has on her right and holds it up moving it to feed me. I open my mouth and take the bite.
"Hm.." I say in pleasure.
Callie laughs and goes back to get some more.
I pull her arm making Callie look at me.
I smile at her.
"What?" Callie says smiling.
"I just need you to hold me for a second." I say resting my head on her shoulder.
"What happened?" Callie asked caressing my cheek with her right hand.
"Nothing. I'm just tired." I say.
"I know.. Last night was great but we're getting too old for sleeping in the couch" Callie says smiling.
"Don't get me wrong.." I start.
"I know.. We just need a good night of sleep after yesterday.." Callie ads.
"Exactly!" I say and I kiss her shoulder and rest my head back down.
"I'm going to hold you a little bit but then you need to eat before we have to go work again." Callie says putting her right hand around my waist and pulling me to her.
I kiss her soft but long.
"Ok. I'm so tired.." I say snuggling my head in her neck.
"I know.. Me too! Tonight it's your turn to hold me and we both need to sleep 8 hours straight.
"Deal! That sounds amazing!" I say smiling into her neck.
Callie leans down and kisses me. I kiss her back.
Callie kisses my head and I rest my head back in her shoulder before letting Callie feed me the rest of my meal and me feeding her a bit also.

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