Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock on my phone going off. I've been dreading waking up to that sound all night, and barely slept from the nervousness that's been stuck inside of me.

I quickly turned off the alarm, and let out a big sigh. Today shouldn't be that bad, I mean everyone loves it when a new person comes, right? But I keep forgetting that this is highschool, not middle school or elementary school. These people already have their own little groups, and there's a possibility that I might not fit into any of them.

Hopefully Danny can show me around and introduce me to a few people.

I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom to prepare myself for today, physically and mentally. I took a cold shower just to wake me up, if it would have been a warm shower I would have wanted to stay in there forever and never come out.

For my outfit, ended up putting on a black long sleeved ripped sweater that I got from forever 21, shorts, my hightop converse, and I curled my-a little below the shoulders length-chocolate brown hair that has a few highlight in it.

Now, my hair will have volume to it.

Looking into the mirror, I can say I actually look decent for once. Not too dressed up, not too dressed down, just casual. I'm expecting for there to be some type of weird fashion trend going around the school though, there always is.

I went downstairs into the kitchen where my parents were. Today is my dad's first day at his new job, and my mom only transferred hospitals to work at so there really shouldn't be anything new to her; she's a surgeon in training.

In a couple of years she should start making A LOT more money, but as of right now, the only thing there's a lot of is her being gone from home.

I would rather have her saving someone's life than have her be at home with my dad and I though.

"Ready for today kiddo?" My dad questioned walking by me, and pulling me into a hug kissing me on the temple of my forehead. I sort of scrunched my face, I'm not really into affection and all of that stuff.

"More than ever" I spoke sarcastically taking a seat next to my mom at the island. I reached over to the middle of the island and grabbed an orange out of the fruit bowl we have there. My favorite fruits are oranges. They're filled with so much flavor, and just instantly satisfy your tastebuds once they're in your mouth.

"Well your father can say the exact opposite, he's had a nervous stomach all night," my mom laughed clearly not catching onto my sarcasm. My dad began to chuckle as well.

I gasped slapping my mom playfully across the shoulder while laughing , "I really did not need to know that"

"I think it was from that 'chicken pot pie' those neighbors brought yesterday, chicken pot pie my ass more like chicken pot die," My dad spoke grabbing his cup of coffee that finished pouring.

Before I could say something else, the doorbell suddenly rung. I'm expecting it to be Danny since my mom asked him to drive me to school today and show me around.

That's when reality truly kicked in.

"I'll get it" My dad spoke taking a sip out of his coffee, and then putting it back down. I wish I could stay home for another day, but I guess it's good to just get this over with.

As my dad went to get the door, I took a final bite out of my peeled orange, and began to get up to get my bookbag.

"Have you talked to any of your friends lately?" My mom questioned standing up and then throwing her garbage away.

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