Chapter 16

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A couple of days have passed by, and now it's Friday. What happened Tuesday after school still has me absolutely frightened, and kept me really from interacting with him. Whenever I see him at lunch I'll say hi, but I've restrained from having full out conversations with him, I'm just trying to understand it all, but I cant.

"Rose, you okay?" I heard Nina question me. We were all currently at lunch. I stopped playing with my food and looked up at the courtyard. It's finally November, and soon it'll be snowing. Besides Fall, Winter is also another one of my favorite seasons.

"Yeah, I've just been stressed with school I guess." I responded not breaking my eye contact with the outside. If I look at her, she'll know I'm lying.

"Bullshit, what's really wrong Rose?."

How did she know I was lying?

I took a deep breath, and looked at her and everyone else. Should I tell them about Blaire? I feel like it would be out of my place if I did, but I really need someone to talk to about this. People I trust.

I looked over at Blaire's table, and he wasn't there.

"You guys promise not to tell anyone?" I spoke looking back at them. They all nodded their heads.

"I hung out with Blaire Tuesday after school, and um, I discovered a lot of pill bottles in his room, all for certain mental illnesses.."

Everyone seemed not too surprised, but the expressions on their faces somewhat read disbelief.

"We all did say that boy was crazy." Tia said sticking a fry in her mouth.

"I didn't say that, I mostly said I don't know, because none of us did. We were all so quick to judge based off of the rumors we've heard about him. We've never really had an interaction with him......what type of illnesses are we talking about here Rose?" Nina questioned. I didn't even have to try to remember what type of illnesses those pills were for, because they're at the front of my mind.

"Bipolar disorder.....psychosis......."

"Psychosis?! Um shouldn't he have a grownup looking over him at school because of that? I mean we're talking about delusions here, hallucinations!.....this...he's definitely capable of killing Allison." Hanna spoke furiously.

"I don't know, but....he's a really nice kid, despite what happened and what I now know. When he saw that I was holding his pill bottles he completely just...turned into a different human being than what I've been exposed to. Throwing a vase in his room...punching the wall. Yes I can say I was scared, and ever since I have kept my distance because I'm still a little shaken up...but he was only angry for about two minutes or less. I don't want to just suddenly ignore him because...... everyone else is too scared to even talk to him. He's alone with no one to understand him."

I saw Hanna roll her eyes, and Tia continued to eat her fries. Jackson then began to open his mouth.

"Who's to say Allison didn't get him angry? I mean, you experienced a front row seat of how destructive he can get. He could have lashed out on her too. Well at least now it seems more possible that he did."

It does seem more possible.

The day went by pretty quickly. In culinary arts, Jackson of course burnt one of the waffles we all had to make, and again, started a fire. I was absolutely soaked from when the sprinklers went off in the class, and I'm stuck wondering how this kid isn't kicked out of the class yet.

However, now I'm currently on my way home with Danny.

"How does someone burn a waffle? The waffle maker literally turns green when it's done." Danny laughed focusing on the road.

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