Chapter 23

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I was currently at lunch with Nina, Danny, Tia, and Jackson. Hanna had the stomach flu so she's been gone for the past couple of days. As a group, we delivered flowers and chocolate covered strawberries to her. She really appreciated it, and we all hope she gets well soon.

"Guys we should all plan another sleepover soon!" Nina exclaimed slamming her hands on the table. We all looked at her in a "what the heck?" type of way.

"Aggressive much?" Jackson joked. We all laughed. Nina rolled her eyes.

"I'm just saying that we should have a sleepover soon, it would be f-u-n."

I noticed Jackson's face light up. Oh no.

"Becauseeeeee f is for friends who do-"

"Jackson shutup!" Tia interrupted him before he could break out into the whole spongebob song. Thank you Tia.

I feel like having another sleepover would be good for all of us, it's been a while.

"I agree with you Nina, another sleepover would be great for all of us, whose house should it be at this time though?" I questioned while taking a bite out of my pepperoni pizza.

"Yours of course, the t.v in your family room is huge." Danny spoke. Everyone nodded their heads. Speaking of Danny, I'm going to have to ask him about how he felt after hanging out with Nina last week. They mostly went off by themselves during skating, so that means they had time to bond right?

While everyone continued talking about planning our upcoming sleepover, I noticed Eli walking towards our table. I zoned out everyone else talking, and only focused my attention towards him. He looked completely uncomfortable.

Eventually when he reached our table, everyone stopped talking.

"Rose, I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you lately but..."

He turned around and looked for something, or someone. I followed his eye site, and eventually spotted Blaire looking directly at us.

Eli looked back at me, and shook his head.

"Fuck it, Rose...Blaire has been sending me these pathetic threats over the past few days. At first I ignored them and confronted him about them, but then they started getting more violent, telling me to leave you alone or I'll end up......" He turned back around to see if Blaire was still looking, Blaire was beginning to stand up from his lunch seat.

"He came to my house last night at 12 fucking a.m, and said my name and something like...'really observe someone's evilness' or some creepy shit like that..Rose I really like you but I know you talk to him and you have to tell him to leave me alone otherwise I'm bringing this to the police."

I choked up for a minute, every word Andrew's mom said to me came rushing through my head.

It wasn't "really understand someone's evilness". It was "really observe someone's evilness", and Blaire said it.

This isn't a coincidence, no way could it be. Going to his house, saying his name, then that statement.

I looked up to see if Blaire was still standing where he was, but he completely disappeared.

I think I'm going to be sick.

"Oh my gosh." I said out loud. I quickly got up from my seat, put a hand over my mouth, and ran to the bathroom.

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