Chapter 22

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A few days have passed, and I haven't spoken to Blaire since our argument. I really do regret what I said, but he took everything out of proportion, and everything he did was unacceptable.

Maybe he forgot to take his medication that day.

I have to understand that it's difficult for him to control his emotions, and actions at times.

However, everything that happened still wasn't okay. 

Threatening someone I'm starting to talk to just because you're jealous? What is there even to be jealous of? He see's me talking to Danny and those guys everyday, and he hasn't threatened them one bit.

And saying it was because he's a "bad guy" is a bag of bs. What rumors are there about Eli? And if there are any, why automatically believe them?

If you don't know the person, if they haven't confessed anything directly to you, or there's no evidence, you have no right to create your whole perception of that person around something you don't even know that's true.

Did he feel like me talking to Eli was going to make me stop being his friend?

If he really thought about it, a situation like this would make me want to stop being his friend. Not me talking to another guy. It's not like he's my boyfriend, and it's not like Blaire is my boyfriend either.

I mean, he literally watched me and timed me while I was in the car with Eli just having a conversation. Who does that? Maybe my dad would, but not anyone else.

Everyone looks at me and wonders why I talk to Blaire.

"You need to be careful."

"Protect yourself."

"Leave while you can."

I just want to give the kid hardly anyone wants to deal with throughout all schools, a chance. I want to show him that I'm willing to get to know him and develop a friendship with him rather than judge him by the rumors made about him. He's alone, no one to talk to, no one to be there for him but his mom.

But the way she talks about her son, I doubt she's there for him too.

I let out a big sigh as I closed my math book. I was currently working on AP calc homework, and I could hardly concentrate because of the thought of Blaire.

I began to stand up from sitting on my bed, and walk downstairs. A cold glass of water could really refresh my mind.

When I finally reached the kitchen, I poured myself a glass of water and squeezed a little bit of lemon juice in it. As I took sips of it, I found myself relaxing. I can't keep thinking about this stuff, it's going to stress me out.

As I'm still continuing to drink my water, the doorbell rang. I put my cup down, and then slid one of my arms across my mouth to wipe up the excess water.

Again, normally I wouldn't answer the door because I'm not expecting anyone, but I can at least check to see who it is.

I exited out of the kitchen, and made my way towards the front window. Usually from there I can see who's outside.

When I got to the front window, I looked from a corner to see if I could see who's at the door.

I was kind of expecting this, but then again I wasn't.

It was Blaire.

I took a step away from the window, and I could feel myself beginning to get nervous. I could either answer the door, or act like I'm not home.

The doorbell then rang again, and I could hear him talking from outside.

"Rose..p..please answer." Blaire spoke.

After a couple seconds of thinking, I came to a final decision.

I walked towards the door, and opened it slightly.

Blaire was holding a bundle of roses in his hands.

"Rose.." He spoke looking at me in the eyes. I saw a slight smile rise from the corner of his mouth.

I continued look at him. The smile fell from his lips, and he looked down at the roses and held them outwards.

"I picked these from our garden..for you...I would like to apologize and explain myself..but inside..may I?" He questioned taking a step forward. I slightly closed the door a little more. Yes I would like to apologize to him as well, and also give him the opportunity to explain himself as well, but I don't know.

He looked at me with his piercing blue eyes, they were calm, unlike the storm they portrayed yesterday.

"Please..Rose." He said softly.

I guess it would be good for me to apologize, and then hear his apology.

I took steps back opening the door wider. Blaire then walked in, and I closed the door behind him.

When I turned around, Blaire was slowly handing the flowers to me, "Here, take them."

I grabbed the flowers, and slightly smiled at him.

"Thanks." I said looking down at them. They were absolutely beautiful.

Blaire smiled back, dug his hands in his pockets, and then looked at the floor.

"I just want to apologize, for everything I said yesterday, how angry I got. I.....forgot to take my medication....I thought about what you said..and...I just don't want to lose you. I got jealous. I feel like if someone else comes into your life you'll forget about me. It's stupid, I know. But they can stir you away from me, manipulate you into thinking I'm dangerous. I know they're already starting to, I see it in your eyes." He spoke then looking at me.

I looked out the window viewing his dark and haunted looking house, and then back at him.

"Blaire, you have nothing to worry about. I'm sorry too..for what I said yesterday..."

Blaire chuckled, and brought one of his hands through his hair.

"I guess I deserved it." He spoke. I nodded my head in agreement.

"I just don't want to be replaced.." He continued. I looked at him confused.

"I don't understand?" I said walking over to a table to place the flowers down on for now. He seemed affected by me doing so.

"I want to be put first, thought about first, talked to first....I want to be your best friend."

I slowly placed the flowers on the table, and then looked at him.

"I have a lot of friends Blaire, and I view and treat everyone equally." I spoke being creeped out about his request. It just seemed..weird.

He nodded his head.


I could sense a hint of anger in his tone.

Awkward silence filled the room for a couple of seconds, maybe it's time for him to go.

"My parents are coming home soon, maybe you should leave...unless you would like to stay for dinner?" I questioned hoping he would ignore the last part. Blaire began to walk towards the door.

"That would be nice, but I have something I have to go do. Maybe we can hangout soon?"

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now