Chapter 31

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This day started off unexpectedly, dramatically.

My parents walked into my room this morning with words that I didn't want to hear, nor believed at first.

"Danny is missing."

I was absolutely speechless, and didn't know how this could possibly happen. At first when they walked into my room I thought they were here to apologize, but then I saw the look of fear across their faces.

Where could he have gone? What could have possibly happened to him?

My mind already jumped to what could have possibly happened, but I didn't want to believe it. Not when I believed everything was just starting to go okay.

The anger I had towards Danny soon turned into regret. You never know when you're going to see someone for the last time, so always forgive.

Wherever he's at, I just hope he's okay. I hope this is some misunderstanding and really he just went to a friends house, or on a drive.

Wait no, he couldn't have went on a drive.

His car is still parked in the driveway.

Right now I am currently at Danny's house, along with a few of his family members, my parents, and the cops. I stayed home from school today.

Danny's mom, Jess, was sitting on their couch crying, while Mark, Danny's father, was trying to comfort her. They were currently talking to the police to the best of their ability.

I looked down at my phone viewing the dozen of messages from Nina, Jackson, Tia, and Hanna.

Nina: what the fuck is going on?!

Tia: they took him

Jackson: who is "they"?!

Tia: Blaire and his demons who else!

Hanna: I've been told you guys from the start how crazy that bastard is! He's a killer!

Nina: This can't be happening, ROSE WHERE ARE YOU?!

I put my phone in my back pocket not wanting to respond. Eventually I felt it buzzing, it was probably Nina calling, but I refused to answer it and turned off my phone.

I was at lost for words, and felt sick to my stomach.

Anxiety is all that was in me at the moment.

They're so quick to assume that Blaire is the reason behind Danny's disappearance, but I did see Blaire last night walking into his house with a bat.

Although I'm assuming it's because he was just checking around his house for any unwanted guests, he could have been outside for anything, or coming back from anywhere.

We haven't heard from Danny all day yesterday, so that must mean that he went missing in the morning, right? Before everyone came to my house to go to chipotle, I saw Blaire. He was inside of his house and didn't seem suspicious, to me at least. His curtains were open, and through my window, I saw him reading a book.

A few police officers began to leave the room Danny's parents were sitting in. Jess seemed to have stop crying, but Mark and her were still holding each others hands and sitting.

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