Chapter 39

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After a couple of minutes of trying to break free from the ropes tied around our wrists and ankles, Michael entered into the room dragging a large black body bag against the floor.

Danny and I both immediately froze not only out of the fear of getting caught, but the fear of who could possibly be in that body bag.

I could feel my wrists burning and bleeding from how much I twisted them.

He soon released the grip he had on the bag carelessly, and looked at Danny and I smiling.

"So.." He began to speak.

"Who do you guys think it is? Could it possibly be one of your guys's bitch little friends, huh? Nina....Jackson...Hanna...Tia?! Could it be one of your guys's pathetic no good parents? Some random kid or adult I found on the street....possibly one of my old victims? I don't know.........let's find out."

I looked at Danny trying to see what he thought about this.

My heart was pounding intensely.

Danny faced me with widened helpless red eyes.

Michael might never let us go.

We might be the next ones to end up in that bag.

Michael bent down unzipping the bag, and yanked the individual out of the bag by there blonde hair.

It was his mom.

I closed my eyes not wanting to see another dead body. However, Michael dragged her over to Danny and I, and placed her in the middle between us.

She reeked of rotting flesh, and death.

I turned to my left becoming unbelievably nauseous, and squeezed my eyes shut.

I heard Danny throwing up.

Michael let out a laugh, but that soon turned into anger. He punched the wall, and threw something made out of glass on the floor.

I felt one of the pieces fly into the side of my calf muscle.

I let out a scream as the pain reached every inch of my body.

"That woman...PUT ME THROUGH SUFFERING!....she...she..took my sister away from me. I was the BEST thing FOR HER!!! She put me into mental hospitals all my life growing up and never let me see her. Never let me protect her from all of the dangers out there in the world. I loved her...and there was no one better for her than me....that night in the woods....I came home and followed her and her boyfriend into the woods...they got into an argument and he pushed her down on the floor...." He began to cry.

" I took out my pocket knife and ran towards him stabbing him in the chest. But I wasn't seen as the hero, I never was. She still chased after him...leaving ME FOR HIM!....." Michael paused, and began to laugh.

"I shot them both in the heart...and it felt"

I began to shake.

"Please...please just let us go Blaire..Michael...please.."

He walked towards me, and crept down over my body running a finger along my stomach.

I let out a cry.

"But Rose.....I'm not finished yet.."

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now