Chapter 8

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Another week has passed by, and I haven't noticed Blaire at school lately, well at least not at lunch. I wonder if he's been sick.

Right now I'm at lunch eating a delicious and fresh fruit bowl at the table. It's kind of cloudy and chilly outside, but that's not stopping people from hanging out in the courtyard.

"If we were really friends, you would give me a few of your pineapples Rose." Nina spoke raising an eyebrow with a smile on her face. We both stared at each other, and bursted out laughing.

"Here, I'm full anyways." I said passing her the rest of the fruit bowl while stuffing one last pineapple and strawberry in my mouth. In my opinion fruits tastes the best in June and July, right now it's September, but the fruit out here tastes pretty fresh and juicy. Maybe it's because it's a totally different state, and a totally different climate than Illinois.

"Sometimes I think you're lying when you say you're full because you are so damn skinny." Tia said stuffing her daily fries in her mouth. I closed my eyes chuckling and shaking my head.

"I swear to you guys I eat like a total beast. Ask Danny. His family came over plenty of times for dinner to know that."

Danny nodded his head agreeing.

"She's telling the truth guys, but I think the person who eats the most at this table is Nina," he spoke looking right at her. They were sitting next to each other, I wish they could just date already.

"No I do not." Nina joked pushing his shoulder with one of her hands.

"She does guys I swear."

"I could believe it, that girl came to my house one time and ate mostly ALL of my homemade macaroni. I didn't even tell her she could have any!" Tia spoke now taking a drink out of her water bottle. We all started laughing.

"For one of the times when she came over for dinner, she first had one helping of food when my parents were around. When they went upstairs, she had three more." Danny laughed looking at her. She smiled rolling her eyes.

"Woah woah..dinner?" Hanna questioned smiling looking at them. I could easily notice Danny starting to blush, and Nina's yellow undertone beginning to turn red. I thought she said she couldn't blush?

"More like 'for one of the times'." I added in looking at Hanna, and then them as well. This is so cute.

"More like where was my invite?" Jackson finished making us all laugh.

"True" I heard throughout the table. Lunch passed by pretty fast, and we talked about who knows what. The rest of the school day went by pretty normal, and hilarious as well. Tia talked to me in English class about how she has a crush on this guy named EJ, I told her to go for it. Also, in culinary arts Jackson of course started a fire making the whole school go outside until it got put out.

Danny and I drove back home together. When I got out of the car and went up to my porch, there laid a bundle of fresh picked red roses on the ground with a note attached to them. I picked them up curiously examining the note.

Thank you for being my friend.

The message read. I smiled. How sweet.

I walked inside of my house getting a fresh vase filled with water to put the beautiful roses in. Once that was done, I brought them up to my room, put them on one of my shelves, and put on bedclothes.

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now