Chapter 37

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When I got home, I looked all throughout my house in search for video cameras and much more. However, there was nothing to be found.

I don't know if I feel relieved about not finding anything, or scared. What if they're just hidden really good? Maybe he didn't do anything at all.   The way Teresa and Claudia described Blaire's behavior towards Allison, didn't exactly matchup to how he's acted towards me. He didn't constantly come over, he didn't constantly text me nor call me. Hardly ever was he in my house.

The only obsessive times  I've experienced from him were him trying to apologize, or him threatening close friends of mine, hurting them if they got too close to me...or in the way.

He didn't do that for Allison, and I can't seem to find a reason for why he didn't.

It's almost as if he thought we were a team, thought he was protecting me or doing a favor for me by hurting those who have hurt me, or him.

He treasured me, and didn't want me to run away.

I fell backwards onto my bed letting out a huge sigh. If I could just take a nap without worrying about anything, without it turning out to be a nightmare, that would be completely wonderful.

But unfortunately, that's not how my life is working out right now. Nothing is making sense.

How could Danny possibly be helping Blaire out with everything? Danny completely flipped when he saw Blaire that night of the party. There's just no way Danny is capable of killing anyone...right?

I understand Danny helped write the letters, but he didn't know what he was doing. He thought it was all a joke.

He disliked Blaire too much, but what if it was all an act?

I sat up and stared out the window. My blinds were open, so I was looking at a full view of Blaire's dark and haunted looking house, that complimented the snow beautifully due to its color. There was yellow crime scene tape surrounding it.

I got a few answers from Claudia and Teresa, but not enough.

What if there are more answers lying in Blaire's house? I know the police searched everywhere in there, but there's something missing.

I found the letters and Allison's lock of hair in a secret hiding spot underneath the rug in his room.

There has to be more hiding places.

I got up from my bed and walked towards the window. There were two policemen smoking cigarettes outside of their cars while having a conversation.

I cant go through the front door, they'll notice me. I have to go out through the back, and sneak over to Blaire's house. Hopefully I can get this done before my parents come home. They said they were working a little later today, so I should be fine.

Rose are you crazy?

I thought to myself. At this moment, I'm way past that. Yes I'm scared, yes this is a crazy idea that can get me into loads of trouble if I get caught, but I just need to look.

The police are outside, Blaire's house is empty, and I know where the spare key is to get into his house.

I just need these answers, I just need to look to see if I can get one step closer to finding anything.

I put on a big hoodie, pants, gloves, boots with two pairs of socks, and grabbed a flashlight from my drawer. It's probably freezing inside of Blaire's house and dark because I doubt the electricity is running. I would have grabbed a coat, but I don't want to make too much noise inside of the house. The coat would just make that annoying rubbery sound as I walk.

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