Chapter 4

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The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. Tia winded up being in my english class, while Jackson winded up being in my favorite class of all, culinary arts. It also happened to be the last class of the day.

I think I'll do just fine in this school, however, now knowing that I live in the house of a dead girl creeps me out.

"It's not like she died in the house," Danny stated focusing on the road. School ended not too long ago, and we were driving back to our house now after grabbing a bite to eat. Danny offered to pay for my food, but I refused to let him.

"But I'm still living in a house that belonged to a dead girl. Do you not watch ghost shows? They always come back to the house they last lived in," I spoke looking out the window. The mountains that stretched before me looked absolutely beautiful.

"Um I thought that only happened if they died in the house?" Danny laughed looking at me and then back at the road.

"How do we know she didn't? I mean I did some research on my phone and it said she was poisoned days before she got stabbed, and her heart cut out of her chest. The killer could have snuck in the house....and....poisoned her...oh my gosh. That means there's probably a secret passage way to get into my house. If you look at the report the mother stated how she always checks to make sure the windows and doors are  locked at night, even though it was a very safe neighborhood.."

"You're saying 'oh my gosh' to there possibly being an imaginary secret passageway into your house? Dude come on the real 'oh my gosh' is what Blaire did to her," Danny spoke as we arrived infront of our houses, and parked. I looked at him as he began to unfasten his seatbelt.

"Don't say Blaire. No one knows if it was him or not, people probably blamed him because he's an easy target. I mean, there wasn't even enough evidence to prove him guilty. So, that says something itself...right?" I stated.

Danny laughed.

"Rose are you serious? It was your first day at school, your first time seeing him, and you're trying to defend him? Did you not hear what Hanna said?" He began to get out of the car. I unfastened my seatbelt, grabbed my bookbag, and got out as well.

"I'm not defending anyone, I'm just stating the facts," I spoke closing the car door. Danny walked around, and then stood infront of me.

He sighed.

"I dont know, all I know is as long as I don't associate myself with him, I'll be good. You should do the same...," He spoke clutching onto his bookbag. I really had nothing to say back.

I feel like Blaire is the victim here though, and I feel bad for him. I know I just heard of all of this for the first time today, but something just doesn't feel right.

"..bye Rose. I'll maybe come by later tonight with my parents, I heard your mom is cooking dinner," He continued beginning to walk towards his front door.

"Bye," I responded back with a half smile. When I finally got inside of my house I went straight to the kitchen to wash my hands, and grab something to drink. After that, I went upstairs, changed into my bed clothes, and started to work on homework while laying in my bed. I must have fallen asleep though because when I wokeup to the doorbell ringing, it was 6:48pm and my parents were finally home.

I didn't hear anyone getting the door, and I know I'm not supposed to answer the door, but I rubbed my eyes and went to go open it anyways.

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now