Chapter 40

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I woke up to the sound of a heart monitor going off. I have absolutely no idea where I am, but I do feel a great deal of pain in my chest and stomach.

I opened my eyes all the way, and blinked them adjusting to the light in the room.

Surrounding me were my parents laying down on a couch, and a nurse was also in the room.

I must be at the hospital.

"Look here, sleeping beauty just woke up." The nurse spoke walking towards me.

My parents immediately woke up from the resting state they were in, and looked at me with tired baggy eyes.

"Rose." My mom spoke rushing over to me. She kissed me on my temple and held my hand as a tear fell down her cheek.

My dad also walked towards me, kneeling down on the other side of the bed, and held my other hand.

I survived.

I survived the gunshot wound.

"" I spoke through a smile. I grabbed each of their hands tightly, expressing how happy I was to see them.

I thought I was never going to see them again.

"Rose, how are you feeling?" The nurse asked holding a clipboard and pen in her hand.

I looked to the left into a mirror.

I looked like complete shit.

"Fine..just a pain in my chest and stomach...that's all.." I responded adjusting myself on the bed. However, it seemed as if I had absolutely no strength.

"You're lucky you survived those injuries you had, you lost a lot of blood and the bullet was only a centimeter away from hitting your heart. You were in a coma for about a week.......looks like you won't be needing your beauty sleep for a while anymore." The nurse joked.

Trust me, I will. That's if I get any sleep.

I gulped at the thought of how close the bullet was to hitting my heart, and how long I was in a coma for.

Only a centimeter away? And it seemed as if I closed my eyes for a second, and just woke up.

"Wow.." Was all I managed to get out of me. I was speechless.

I'm grateful.

The nurse nodded her head, and finished writing down notes on my health.

"Well, I'm going to give you guys some personal time and come back later. I know you have a lot of visitors waiting outside for you Rose." She smiled and then walked out of the room.

I looked at my parents.

"How are you doing zombie? ." My dad spoke trying to make me laugh. However, all I was able to pay attention to was the worry in his eyes.

I can't imagine the amount of pain and fear my parents were put through this past week, they thought they were going to lose their second and last child.

"I'm doing good...just...good I guess. I can't say how I'm going to feel in the next hour when everything hits me again though..." I laughed while looking down at my covers.

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now