Chapter 32

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"Rose wakeup!" I heard Hanna shout. I sat straight up slowly from our lunch table that I was leaning on, and rubbed my eyes. I was wearing no makeup today, so I probably look even more dead than what I already am.

I wasn't able to get any sleep last night. I was constantly twisting and turning, thinking about what Blaire said to me, thinking about the little part of that night that I remembered.

I'm not capable of hurting anyone, I know I'm not, but who knows what could have happened. My emotions were all over the place, I was angry, hurt, intoxicated.

"I'm sorry guys.." I began to speak while pushing my hair out of my face.

"-I didn't get any sleep last night, at all." I finished.

This is all just one big nightmare.

"It's okay Rose, none of us did." Nina spoke. She honestly didn't look any better than I did at the moment, no one did.

I took a sip of water from my water bottle hoping to refresh myself, however, it didn't work.

"I don't understand why you didn't talk to us yesterday, nor answered the doorbell when we came over last night. Danny's parents and yours too said that you stormed out of their house, what happened?" Jackson questioned.

I froze for a little bit. All I could do is just look at them. For once Tia wasn't eating anything, and they all looked completely worried and nervous. How do I break it to them that they were right? How do I break it to them that I might have been involved in this?

I turned my attention towards the snowy courtyard. It looks so peaceful outside.

"Rose....what happened?" Nina questioned softly. I looked at her reflection through the window. They deserve to know this information.

I looked back over at everyone.

"I went to Blaire's house.....Danny said someone told him 'really observe someone's evilness'..that's what Blaire has said to Eli, to Andrew..."

Everyone's eyes began to widen.

I feel so disgusted.

"-When I talked to Blaire...and asked him what did he do to Danny..." It was hard to continue to speak. My heart was racing.

"-.....he said....'you mean what did we do to Danny'..guys....I don't know what happened that night...and...I want to believe I didn't do anything..but I remembered a part from it..."

"Oh my gosh.." Tia spoke clenching onto her stomach.

"-...I don't know what to do...I don't know what to say...I just...remember Blaire telling me 'Rose, we have to finish the job now'...we were was freezing...and I was laying in the snow..puking..."

"Whose house were you in front of Rose?"' Nina interrupted.

I closed my eyes trying to remember.

The only thing I could see, is the night sky, and the stars shining brightly next to the moon.

"I can't remember.." I spoke still closing my eyes.

I then opened them, realizing that nothing will happen.

"Don't listen to him Rose, he's probably just playing tricks on you. Who knows what could have happened. You may have been out of it, but you're not that out of it." Hanna said.

"She said she would kill him... at the party! What if you acted out on it Rose? What if someone uses that against you who heard you at the party?!" Jackson shouted.

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now