Chapter 3

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School has actually been going pretty well so far. In mostly every class I've felt welcomed, and had to introduce myself to everyone. Although in some classes the kids would go back to minding their own business, some kids actually made the effort to talk to me.

I met this one girl named Nina who's in my AP calc. class. She's honestly so beautiful, and was probably the most welcoming person to me out of this whole entire day. She asked for my name again so she could try to remember it faster, and talked to me as if she knew me for years. When class was over and Danny was there to pick me up at the door, turns out Nina knows him very well. I mean, I wouldn't expect her not to, I assume Danny is a great guy so that must mean he hangs around great people as well right?

"Danny, we have a new student named-"

"-Rose, I know, she's my new neighbor, I'm actually escorting her to all of her classes today. Im glad you got the chance to meet Nina, Rose. She's my favorite out of the group," Danny winked interrupting Nina as we walked up to him.

"What did I say about cutting me off Daniel?" Nina laughed while putting a hand on her hip. He held his hands up.

"Just wanted to tell the smartest person in the world that I already knew the lovely Miss Rose," Danny exclaimed sarcastically. I laughed, these two so have a thing for each other, and they would make a great couple too. With Nina's cocoa brown skin and dark beautiful brown eyes, and Danny's tan skin and sharp green eyes, they would be the perfect match for one another.

"Well while you guys are going back and forth talking and everything, I'm hungry so can we escort this to the lunch table?" I said in a joking way while walking away having no idea where I was going. I must have surprisingly been walking the right way because they both caught up to me.

"You have lunch with us too? That's nice, I could definitely use someone like you at our crusty lunch table," Nina laughed while passing by people in the hallways saying "hi" to someone basically every two seconds. When talking to her it seems like she would be the more reserved type, maybe she still is and she's just trying to be nice.

Danny rolled his eyes, "It's not that bad I swear, these are all good people Rose, I wouldnt have introduced you to them if they werent."

When we arrived to the cafeteria which seemed like it took hours, it was absolutely gorgeous: there was a glass ceiling revealing the sun outside and clouds, the actual place where you can get your lunch looked decent inside and seemed like they had decent food to serve, there were several tables that could fit 12 people, and you could even go outside in the little court yard to eat.

"This is definitely better than my old school," I spoke amazed with a smile on my face. Danny and Nina looked at me.

"Eh it's decent, but hey our table is over there, let's introduce you to them" Danny spoke placing a hand behind my back guiding me to where the table is. The table was sort of in the back of the lunchroom, but had a great view of the courtyard. When we finally got there, there were 3 people sitting down already.

They all looked at me when I arrived. One girl had short brown hair with glasses and a superman shirt on, another with long shoulder length blonde hair and a sweater on, and a cute guy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Guys, this is Rose, she's new around here. Rose, this is Tia, Hanna, and Jackson" Nina spoke pointing them out and naming them in the exact order I saw them. They all smiled and waved saying hey.

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