Chapter 13

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The rest of the time at sixflags went pretty good. We only got to ride about two more rides due to the long lines, but they were the best two rides at this sixflags, so I was okay with that. The car ride home was pretty funny, we mostly jammed out to the new Beyoncè CD, and we listened to Adele. Jackson was feeling better, but it's unfortunate that he missed out on riding the rest of the rides we went on.  Well actually, if he has motion sickness then I guess that was a good thing that he missed them.

Right now I was just walking into my house, which was mostly pitch black dark at the moment. It was 12 a.m and Sunday, meaning that I had school tomorrow. It's not like I haven't stayed up that late before on a school night though, I'll be okay. My parents are currently sleeping, and I'm surprised they weren't up waiting for me to come home. Normally if I came home this late, I would be getting screamed at right at this moment. Maybe they had a tiring day today.

Either way, I'm not complaining.

I began to walk upstairs slowly not wanting to wake my parents up. However, when I got to the top I peeked into their room only to see them sleeping. Im still surprised at how they weren't awake waiting for me. I closed their door slowly, and then began to walk towards my room.

Once I got there, I turned on my light. There I saw my beautiful bed waiting for me to lay in it, but I had to take a shower first.

Walking towards my dresser, I grabbed underwear and bedclothes once I got there, and then went to my bathroom to shower. First I looked into the mirror staring into my tired hazel eyes. I've been getting more sleep now and eating more, but I still looked so exhausted, so tiny. The thought of Andrew still crossed my mind everyday.

There's a killer out there somewhere, his killer.

I shook the thought off my shoulders not wanting to go to bed with bad thoughts. I then tied my now chest length brown hair into a bun so I could wash my face, and brush my teeth without any struggles. Once that was over and done with, I ran a nice hot shower for myself. I let the hot water run over my face as I closed my eyes while washing up. Random thoughts were flying across my mind, and no matter how hard I tried, the word "killer" kept coming across it. Flashbacks of that day were playing like a movie for me in my head. His pale skin, his cold hands, his mother crying, "really understand someone's evilness"? What does that mean?!

"Rose" I heard a voice say. I shot my eyes open scared to death expecting to see someone standing infront of me, but there was no one.

I quickly turned the water off and grabbed my drying off towel. When I got done drying off, I put my underwear and bed clothes on, and then walked out of the bathroom.

"It's just your imagination Rose," I quietly said to myself looking around my room, and peeking out of my doorway to look in the hallway.

Seeing no one in sight, I then slowly closed my bedroom door, and turned off the light.

Of course being the scaredy cat I am, I ran to my bed and jumped on it. I took the decorative pillows off, and got under my covers trying to make myself comfy.

I looked at the clock right next to me, and it read 12:56 a.m. Gosh. How long was I in the shower for?

I took my attention away from the clock, and stared at my ceiling. Overall I had a good night, I hope Danny considers asking Nina out on a date, they would make such a cute couple. It's pretty obvious that they like each other, and if anything, maybe I'm destined to be here in this town. Without me encouraging Danny to take a chance with her, maybe he never would. I mean, I still don't know if he will, but there's a possibility.

I'll see at school tomorrow how things go.

My thoughts were disrupted by the sound of shouting and yelling coming from outside. Is my window open?

I slowly got up and walked over to my window, seeing it open, and then looked out of it. There was no one outside, but I automatically knew where the yelling was coming from.

Blaire's house.

His downstairs blinds were open, and him and his mother were standing infront of it having what seemed to be a very loud argument. Their downstairs window was open, which is why I'm somewhat able to hear them.

I tried to focus my attention towards his mom, who seemed to be crying.

Maybe if I listen hard enough I'll know what she's saying.

I held my ear more towards the window, and cracked it open wider.

It all sounded like how you hear people talk when you're underwater, but I did make out one sentence clearly.

"The devil is inside of you!" I heard his mom say.

Blaire began to laugh, and smashed a vase to the ground.

Not only did it make his mom jump, but me as well.

His laughter seemed to get louder, stronger, but then it slowed down. He turned slowly, and looked up at my window.

I quickly took my finger out of the part of the blinds I had it in, and ran to my bed. I didn't even bother to close my window.

My heart was racing, and the yelling suddenly stopped.

I don't know if I was embarrassed, or scared over the fact that he knew I was watching him and his mom argue over who knows what.

The devil is inside of you!

Maybe I should take Anna's words of advice, and talk to Blaire a little less now.

What I saw, definitely wasn't something I was used to.

Continuing on with my thoughts, I got up again from my bed realizing that I can't sleep with my window open due to how cold it is outside-even though I really do not want to close it now.

I steadily walked to my window, and peaked through my blinds again to see if Blaire and his mom were still arguing downstairs.

But the only thing I saw was darkness: all of the lights were off throughout his house.

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now